Ilan Cooper
Prof. Cooper obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. His main research interests lie at the intersection of asset pricing and real investment under uncertainty. His primary research focuses on the relation between the real side of the economy, namely firms' decisions as to investing in physical capital and hiring workers, and asset return dynamics.
A Global Macroeconomic Risk Model for Value, Momentum, and Other Asset Classes, 2022, with Andreea Mitrache and Richard Priestley, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57, 1-30.
What Does the Cross-Section Tell About Itself? Explaining Equity Risk Premia with Stock Return Moments , 2022, with Liang Ma and Paulo Maio, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 54, 73-118.
Risk Aversion Sensitive Real Business Cycles , 2021, with Zhanhui Chen, Paul Ehling, and Costas Xiouros, Management Science, 65, 2483-2499.
Multifactor Models and their Consistency with the APT , 2021, with Liang Ma, Paulo Maio, and Dennis Philip, Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 11, 402-444.
New Evidence on Conditional Factor Models , 2019, with Paulo Maio, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54, 1975-2016
Asset Growth, Profitability, and Investment Opportunities , 2019, with Paulo Maio, Management Science, 65, 3988-4010
Managerial Overconfidence and the Buyback Anomaly, 2018, with Panayiotis C. Andreou, Ignacio Garcia de Olalla Lopez, and Christodoulos Louca, Journal of Empirical Finance, 49, 142-156
The Expected Returns and Valuations of Private and Public Firms , 2016, with Richard Priestley, Journal of Financial Economics, 120.(1) p. 41-57, Internet appendix
The World Business Cycle and Expected Returns, 2013, with Richard Priestley, Review of Finance ,17.(3) p. 1029-1064
Real Investment and Risk Dynamics, 2011, with Richard Priestley, Journal of Financial Economics ,101.(1) p. 182-205
Time-Varying Risk Premiums and the Output Gap, 2009, with Richard Priestley, Review of Financial Studies ,22.(7) p. 2801-2833
Asset pricing implications of nonconvex adjustment costs and irreversibility of investment, 2006, Journal of Finance ,61.(1) p. 139-170
Working papers
Victoria Atanasov, Ilan Cooper, Richard Priestley, and Junhua Zhong, 2018, The Factor Structure of Time-Varying Discount Rates
Ilan Cooper, Paulo Maio, and Chunyu Yang, 2022, What Drives Marginal Q Fluctuations?
Ilan Cooper, Paulo Maio, and Chunyu Yang, 2022, The Marginal Profit-to-Q Ratio: Reassessing the Cash-Flow Channel
Ilan Cooper, Daniel Kim, and Moshe Kim, 2024, Testing the q-theory under endogenous truncation (presented at SFS Cavalcade 2024, WFA 2024, Finance Down Under 2023)