
A full list of publications is available on Google Scholar at this address.

Selected Papers on Combinatorial Mathematics:

A. Hartman, The existence of resolvable Steiner quadruple systems, J. Combin. Th. A 44 (1987) 182-206.

T. Etzion, A. Hartman, Towards a large set of Steiner quadruple systems, SIAM J. Disc. Math. 4 (1991) 182-195.

A. Hartman, The fundamental construction for 3-Designs, Discrete Math. 124 (1994) 107-132.

A. Hartman, L. Raskin, Problems and Algorithms for Covering Arrays, in Discrete Mathematics 284:149-156, 2004.

Selected Papers on Software Engineering:

E. Farchi, A. Hartman, S. Pinter, Using a model-based test generator to test for standards conformance, IBM Systems Journal 41 (2002) 89-110.

G. Friedman, A. Hartman, K. Nagin, T. Shiran, Projected state machine coverage for software testing, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 27 (4) 2002, 134-143.

A. Hartman, Software and hardware testing using combinatorial covering suites, in Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms – Interdisciplinary Applications (eds. M. C. Golumbic, I. B-A. Hartman) Springer 2005.

A. Hartman, K. Nagin, The AGEDIS tools for Model Based Testing, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29 (4) 2004, 129-132.

Selected Papers on Service Engineering

G. Banavar, A. Hartman, L. Ramaswamy, A. Zherebtsov, A formal model for service delivery, Chapter in Handbook of Service Science (Editors P. Maglio, C. Kieleszewski, J. Spohrer), Springer 2010.

A. Beloglazov, A. Hartman, D. Banerjee, R. Buyya, Improving Productivity in Design and Development of Information Technology Service Delivery Simulation Models, J. Services Research, 2014.

A. Hartman, Mobile Services for Development, in Strategic Alliance and Value Co-Creation in the Service Industry Eds S. Rozenes and Y Cohen.