Yuval Feinstein

Department of Sociology, University of Haifa

I am an associate professor and chair of the sociology department at the University of Haifa in Israel. I am a political sociologist, and most of my research is in the field of ethnicity and nationalism. My main line of research examines how complex, contested, situated, and dynamic national identities impact political attitudes and policy preferences in areas such as peace and wars, immigration, and interethnic relations during crises or more settled times. I draw from various theoretical fields, including humanistic philosophy, nationalism studies, cultural sociology, sociology of emotions, political psychology, and public opinion research, and apply different research methods, including survey data analysis, experiments, in-depth interviews, and comparative history. Most of my studies are about the United States and Israel. My book (Rally 'round the Flag: the Search for National Honor and Respect in Times of Crisis) presents a novel explanation for the emergence of rally-round-the-flag periods in US public opinion (i.e., sudden and sharp increase in support for sitting presidents) during (some) wars and security crises in the years 1950-2020.