What is Intervention School?

Intervention School was created to help serve our Secondary students [Grades 7-12] who need to make up credits for classes not passed during the school year. Prior to this program being created, students relied upon Summer School to make up these credits. To help create more opportunities for students to make up classes, there are two additional sessions students could possibly attend.

When do the sessions take place?

Quarter 3: January 19th through March 19th

Quarter 4: March 29th through May 27th

How were students selected for this class?

Students who were failing classes were registered by their Counselor for 3rd Quarter & 4th Quarter.

How were students notified?

Students are notified through their Gmail accounts. They will receive a message from

Parents are notified via SMS messages and Phone calls. (We use numbers that we have on file at school sites via Infinite Campus)

**If phone numbers need to be updated, please call into your child's school site to correct the information**

What if my student did not receive an email?

If your child does not receive an email before the start of the Intervention Session, they may be placed on the waitlist. To check the placement of your child please email

What if you, as the Parent, wants to ensure your child is placed on the list?

Parents (Guardians) can call into the school their child attends to sign them up or see where they are on the waitlist.

Is this program mandatory?

No. Your child does not have to attend this program. It is an opportunity to receive credits and replace the letter grade earned for the class. Along with that the student will have the opportunity to relearn the information.

What classes are being offered?

For Quarter 3 & 4 the following classes are being offered:

High School:

  • Science: Biology & Chemistry

  • English: English 1, 2, 3 & 4

  • History: Government & Econ, US History & World History

  • Math: Integrated 1, 2, 3

  • Special Education: English, Math, History & Science

Middle School:

  • Language Arts 7 & 8

  • Social Studies 7 & 8

  • Math 7 & 8

  • Science 7 & 8

  • Special Education: Language Arts, Social Studies, Math & Science

What time do students take these courses?

Right now, the model is ONLINE.

High School meets with their teachers from 2:30-3:00pm. If they are in Group A, they meet Monday & Thursday. If they are in Group B, they meet Tuesday & Friday.

Middle School meets with their teachers from 3:30-4:30pm. If they are in Group A, they meet Monday & Thursday. If they are in Group B, they meet Tuesday & Friday.

What are the Intervention School academic policies?

  • HUSD Summer School students must understand that Intervention School is an opportunity to further their education and avoid possible retention. Students must also understand that attending Intervention School is a privilege and not a right. All Intervention School students must abide by the following guidelines in order to attend Intervention School and be successful.

  • Attendance is required! 3 days of absence results in being dropped from Intervention School without warning. It is extremely important that when students have completed all assigned credits that they check in with their teacher on campus and in person (via email during Distance Learning) to verify that they have finished all the required credits that they need.

  • All regular school rules apply. Any discipline problems will result in immediate dismissal from Intervention School. Serious infractions will result in HUSD Police involvement and possible citation.

  • Transportation is not provided for Intervention School, it is the responsibility of each student to get to school on time each and every day, while in person.

  • HUSD dress code policy will be enforced, including no oversized clothing, no clothing that is too tight or revealing, and no clothing that promotes hate, intolerance, illegal activity, or signifies gang affiliation. And/or any other dress deemed inappropriate by Summer School Admin and/or HUSD School Police.

  • Electronic devices, such as cell phones, MP3 players or games are not allowed. If a student chooses to bring a cell phone to school, it must be placed in the off position, and it may not be visible. In addition to the electronics policy, students that use the Chromebook/iPad for non academic endeavors, the student will be dropped from Intervention School.