Mrs. Stidham

3rd Grade

May 28, 2020

Today is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! I know many of you are happy but I am sad, I will miss you all and I am so sorry we couldn't have a regular end to our year. Today on our ZOOM meeting we are going to do a fun ACTIVE Scavenger Hunt - I will give you a clue and you will have to run and find something that matches it, the first one back to their computer with a correct object will earn points. The winner will get a PRIZE in the mail! See you at 11:00!

DON'T FORGET- come pick up all the stuff that was in your desk on Thursday or Friday. Third grade's time is Friday from 10-11:30. Mrs. Ortiz and I will be there and would love to see you guys. There were a lot of things left so be sure to come and get it - I think they will throw it away if you don't!! PLUS, I made a little gift for you! Remember, you need a slip of paper with your NAME, GRADE AND TEACHER on it to hand to the people at curbside.

Library Books

Mrs. Holden has created her own VLOG, because she misses you guys SO MUCH!

Be sure to visit once in a while!