Support Services

School Based Counseling:

  • Providing integrated mental health treatment for children and adolescents, School-Based Therapists work within preschool, elementary, middle and high school facilities, helping students overcome behavioral, emotional or social problems that interfere with success at school and at home. School Based Counseling is usually set up when outpatient counseling services are unable to occur.


  • The Student Assistance Program is a school based program designed to assist school personnel in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success. The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) is to help students overcome these barriers in order that they may achieve, remain in school, and advance. Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Liaisons ensure that referral and support services are made available to students who may be experiencing behavioral health issues, including mental health and/or drug & alcohol.

  • A referral to the SAP team may be made by a teacher, parent, school counselor, or student to the SAP coordinator or school counselor. The referral is kept confidential.

  • Once a referral has been received by the SAP team and information has been gathered, a team member will contact parents/guardians to explain the SAP process, explain why the child is being referred to the SAP team, and will obtain written parent permission to proceed through the SAP process. Once written parent permission is received, the SAP team will work with the student and family to determine the best intervention for the student. Interventions include monitoring of the student by a SAP team member, referral to the mental health/drug and alcohol liaison for further screening, or referral to other in-school services. The SAP process is ongoing with the family, student, liaison and SAP team member. All information is kept confidential unless a release of information is signed by the child or parent.


  • Hornet Score serves the students of the Hermitage Area School District through a building-wide, school-based, behavioral support model. This model encourages the full engagement and collaboration of families, district staff as well as Sharon Regional Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Services staff. Participants are students in grades K to 7 enrolled at Artman Elementary, Ionta Elementary and Delahunty Middle Schools. Participants must be experiencing emotional and/or behavioral difficulties in the school, home, and community such that they are unable to remain in their educational setting without on-site behavioral health support. Wraparound and School-Based clinicians conduct a comprehensive interview and assessment to determine the needs of each child and their family. The staff then prescribes a therapeutic, data-driven treatment plan to be carried out by the staff and the family. Treatment is provided in the child's school, at home and in the community.


  • Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (BHRS), otherwise known as “wraparound”, is a program intended to provide non-traditional mental health services to children with emotional and/or behavioral health needs. These services are intended to “wrap around” the child by being provided in the child’s home, school, and community. These services are funded through Medical Assistance and can include any or all of the following:

          • Behavioral Health Specialist (BHS)

          • Mobile Therapy (MT)

          • Behavioral Specialist Consultant (BSC)

CICO (Check In Check Out):

  • CICO systematically increases a student’s positive interaction with adults within the school setting. Students have scheduled “check-ins” with an adult for positive feedback in the morning, afternoon, and by class period. Adults serving as CICO check-in personnel provide specific, positive feedback on behavioral and academic effort by the student on a daily progress report card. Students carry the point card throughout the day to document their effort in meeting behavioral and academic expectations. Goals are set and tracked to share progress with the student as well as with their teachers. Students for whom the CICO intervention works well usually have problem behaviors that are anticipated to stay below crisis level. They value adult attention and may benefit from increased structure and prompts throughout the day. Students participate in a daily cycle of feedback, while the school team selects, coordinates and monitors students selected for CICO.