Literary Corner

Who am I

By Mina Wieërs (10 y/o)

Inner Monologue

My name is Mina.

And I have a crush on someone-

But you don’t know who it is.

I want to keep it a secret.

I am full of curiosity.

And I like playing with friends.

But I don’t like choosing,

And asking myself what’s next?

Dancing is what makes me me.

I love spinning and twirling around,

And letting my emotions free.

The Maeliearns

By Clara Țurcanu

The Maeliearns

The art of conquest and rebellion

By Sofia-Victoria Țurcanu

Shandot Beto had always loved art. He started creating at a young age and quickly became known throughout the world as a talented artist. His life was perfect, he got to do the thing he loved most every day while living on the thriving planet of Jupiter.

Unfortunately, when Beto was just past middle age a new emperor came to power. He conquered the planet with his military force and assumed the throne, quickly proving himself to be a cruel and narcissistic ruler.

The Emperor had always had a lot of ambition and had a detailed plan of how he was going to achieve his goals. Jupiter was just the first step. He planned to conquer the whole galaxy by the year 4025. The Emperor had also always known that you have to be willing to sacrifice many things to acquire the position of power he so very wanted. He didn't care about how many innocents were killed during the conquest of Jupiter, much less about how many more would lead terrible lives in the years that followed. He was better than those people, and would always be.

As part of his plan, he tore down many ancient monuments of Jupiter and built new ones that honored him and his achievements. He summoned three of the most revered artists on Jupiter to choose the one who would create these new monuments. Being at the height of his career, Beto was one of these three and, after demonstrating his exceptional skill, was chosen to work for the king.

Beto, as much of the population, hated the king. He had always taken pride in being Jupiterien and couldn't stand watching this tyrant destroy his home. However, he feared what would happen to him or his family if he refused. The Emperor had a reputation for being extremely violent and vengeful so, with great moral difficulty, he accepted.

And so his work for the Emperor began. He spent weeks just planning and sketching the intricate murals he wanted to paint on the walls but the Emperor was not pleased. He ordered many changes to be made and kept on doing so as Beto began the actual process of painting. This took a toll on him, as he felt as though his voice was being taken away. Still, he persevered and kept painting.

Finally, after months of hard work, the new monuments were revealed to the public. Everyone applauded and cheered as they were forced to but Beto stayed silent. The frescos and murals were technically beautiful, yes, but he couldn't see any trace of himself in them. They were nothing but vanity projects that had no other purpose than to further suppress the Jupiterien people. He couldn't believe he had done this and his stomach turned in disgust. It was then he decided enough was enough.

When the Emperor asked him to be his full-time artist, he knew he couldn't say no so he accepted but requested a few weeks of personal time. The Emperor, thankfully, granted this and so Beto got to work. He spent hours each day working on his new art collection, art that symbolized Jupiter, its people, and their freedom and voice. After finishing he looked at it and smiled, knowing that no matter what happened he would have stayed true to himself and his people.

It was Jupiterian Independence day and thousands had gathered in the town square at the Emperor's orders. As everyone was standing around, waiting for the Emperor to arrive, Beto went up on the stage. He pulled down the curtain that had been set up the night before. Instead of the obnoxiously large portrait of the Emperor that had been placed by the organizers, everyone saw Beto’s patriotic art. Everyone was taken aback as no one had dared speak up since the takeover and were shocked again when Beto started talking.

He spoke about Jupiter's rich history and insisted that, especially on this important day, the Emperor could not be allowed to continue making a mockery of it. He called him out for what he was, despite the punishment for insulting the Emperor being death. He urged the people to take a stand, and take back control of their own home. His words were laced with courage and passion and made others realize what had to be done.

The people began applauding and chanting “Free Jupiter” with Beto as the loudest of them all. And, just as Beto felt like he had done his duty to his people an arrow flew toward him going clean through his head spraying the art behind him with his blood.

As his body crumpled on the floor the public went silent. The silence lasted for minutes and even as Beto’s blood stained the cold stone under him no one dared make a sound.

Then the emperor walked onto the stage surrounded by guards, armed to their teeth. He announced that anyone who followed Beto would meet the same fate. And he smiled, looking down at the people below him, viewing them as nothing but pets. He knew they feared him and with Beto dead, this almost-rebellion was squashed. But he was wrong.

The rebellion lasted days. Thousands died in the fighting and the soldiers killed many innocents but in the end, the people won. They stormed the castle and found the Emperor sitting on his throne. But he didn't look strong and powerful anymore, no. In his last moments, the great Emperor that conquered Jupiter looked scared, clinging to his throne.

They left his body on that throne, and put it in the middle of the city, for all to see.

A new ruler was elected, one who was kind and just, and all the monuments the Emperor had built were reduced to rubble. Finally, Jupiter was free again.

Even centuries later, they talk about the horrific rule that plagued the planet in the 4010s. They talk about how the strength and unity of the Jupiterien people freed them. And a statue of Beto stands in the same place where he had once stood and sacrificed himself to save his people and home.