herbert morrison primary school

Issue 03 Thursday 20th October 2022

We have reached the end of a very successful term 1. Well done to all of the children for their hard work over the term. Thank you to parents and carers for your ongoing support of the school.

Thank you for your feedback on the new-look newsletter. The newsletter is 'live', so if there are any issues with accessing any features, please let us know and we can address these. If you would like to see anything featured in future newsletters, please do let us know.

Have a lovely half-term break. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 31st October when we return to school.

Mr Moorcroft - Acting Headteacher

gold book awards

Congratulations to our recent Gold Book award winners!

Nursery: Lucy and Cassius Year 3: Akram and Anna

Reception: Juno and Daniel Year 4: David and Lujain

Year 1: Alex and Shiloh Year 5: Ameera and Maria

Year 2: Tim and Esther Year 6: Yusra and Abubaker

the Big draw

We had a fabulous time in the playground on Tuesday 18th October. Ms Grieve and the art ambassadors organised an amazing art workshop event to celebrate 'The Big Draw'. Parents and carers joined their children in a range of different activities, including colour mixing, observational drawings and single-line drawings.

Art4Space have been working with us to provide additional art activities and have been supported by NBC Broadcasting.

'Please can we do it all again tomorrow!' (Year 5 child)

school lunches

The weekly cost of school lunches is £12.75

To enquire about qualifying for Free School Meals, please speak to Sylvia in the office.

internet safety parent presentation for parents

Wednesday 2nd November at 9.15am in the school hall

Please come along to join us as part of Safer Internet Week. Miss Huggins will be giving tips and advice on keeping your children safe online.

Anti-bullying presentation and workshop for parents

Wednesday 16th November at 9.15am in the school hall

Please come along to join in as part of Anti-Bullying Week. Miss Bennett will be talking about our anti-bullying work in school and talk about how to support your child.

inclusion quality mark

We have been assessed for our Inclusion Quality Mark and we continue to maintain our status as a Flagship School.

Fiona Robinson, our assessor stated that: 'The school is a warm and welcoming place with very high expectations. This is a highly inclusive school and inclusion is at the heart of the offer.'

Thank you to Mrs Coombs who leads inclusion throughout our school for making sure our school is a welcoming place for all.

stop press!

Mr Shepherd, Coach Tom and some very intrepid KS2 pupils are out at a basketball tournament today! There will be a full report in the next newsletter.


Congratulations to Year 4 Platypus Class with attendance of 98%