Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)


The vision of Fairview Elementary's PBIS Framework is to establish a Power of One: One School, One Community, One Voice. In other words, it is our school's mission to meet the educational needs for our community while establishing a shared voice to empower and strengthen all stakeholders.

To accomplish this initiative, our school has established universal or school-wide expectations known as the 3Bs: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe.

FVE Video Narrative - SY22 Video.mp4

School-Based Accomplishments

Fairview Elementary has the distinction of being the first Operational PBIS school (Title I) for Henry County Schools. At this time, Fairview Elementary is the longest-running Operational PBIS school in the district.

Additional accomplishments include the following:

  • GADOE PBIS Distinguished School (SY22; Recognized at HCBOE Meeting in November 2022)

  • Senate Resolution Bill 302 (Georgia State)

  • District Innovation Award (Serenity Room)

  • Filming Location for GADOE Early Learning Strategies

  • DFCS Second Step Grant Recipient

  • HealthMPowers Grant Recipient (SY22)

  • Strong 4 Life Participant (SY22)

  • 2020 & 2021 Champion Against Bullying (PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center)

  • Presentations at Regional, State, and National Conferences

PBIS Connectedness Award Recipient (March/April 2021)

PBIS Expectations

PBIS Students of the Month (November 2022)

Social Media
