Honors 9th grade literature and composition

Welcome to 9th Grade Literature and composition!  In this course, we will take an exploration through amazing short stories, battle with Greek gods and goddesses, journey through magical worlds with Odysseus, and learn a thing or two from Romeo and Juliet. Along the way, we will work on strengthening your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills so that you can show off to your friends. Also,  you find new and unexpected ways of seeing how rewarding an English class can truly be. 

Honors 9th Grade Syllabus 2023-2024

Course Syllabus


A Remind code will be provided during the first few days of class. Parents/guardians, please email me (rosebud.nanry@henry.k12.ga.us) for the Remind code if your student does not provide it to you. 

Supply List

3 ring binder with set of dividers OR Notebook and folder


-Sticky Notes

-Pens (blue or black)


-Notebook Paper

Students will need their own copy of the following:

 Mythology by Edith Hamilton- ****will need this during the first week of class. ****

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

****Other texts will be assigned during the semester

Dystopian novel Options: Students will need ONE of the following :

Important information for your class will go here :)

Daily Warm-Up Schedule for this class

******This warm-up schedule may change based on class needs. *****