Fun Bowl Rewards Program
Registration is now open for the 2024 Stayed in School Rewards Program at Fun Bowl. Students 15 years of age and younger can get 2 free games of bowling every day from May - August! Rewards starts on May 13th and ends on August 31st. Click here to sign up.
Summer Camps & Classes
Henry County Parks and Recreation have several summer camps available for students 5 - 18! Check out what they have to offer here.
Keep moving with fun workouts from our very own Coach Shockley!
Indoor and Outdoor Activities
Animal Races – Pretend to walk like an animal and race around the room. Hop like a frog, crawl like a lizard, walk like a bear.
Obstacle Course – Build an obstacle course on and around furniture in your home. Time each other to see who can complete it the fastest.
Follow The Leader – Take turns leading each other around the house. Mix in hoping, skipping, jumping, and squatting.
Dance Party – Turn on your favorite music and showcase your best moves.
Pushover Parents – Stand tall and plant your feet. Your children try to push you over. If you move your feet, they win.
Masking Tape Balance Beam – Make a line on the floor or sidewalk with masking tape. Try to walk the line without stepping off. Add curves or zigzags to increase the challenge.
Keep the Balloon Up – Inflate a balloon and try to keep it from landing on furniture or the floor. Count the number of hits or keep time to make it a challenge.
Simon Says – Play Simon Says and mix in exercises like jumping jacks or stretching activities.
Crab Walk - Start by sitting on the ground with your hands and feet flat on the ground. Make sure your fingers are pointing away from your body or else you will put too much pressure on your wrists. Now, raise your torso up towards the sky, about level with your shoulders. Then start to walk with your hands and feet.
Hallway or Backyard Bowling – Set up empty bottles like bowling pins and roll any ball to knock them down.
Guess the Animal - Kids act out different animal movements and parents try to guess the animal. Switch roles and give it a try.
Four Corners - Number the four corners of a room. One participant (the "Caller") turns his/her back to the room. Other participants move to a random corner of the room. The Caller chooses a number 1-4. Participants in the called corner are out.