HCS Family Connections Resource Library
HCS Family Connections On-Demand Resources
Are you looking for additional resources to support your child's learning? Were you unable to participate in a meeting but still would like to get the information?
HCS is dedicated to providing families with all of the tools needed to support the academic success of all students. If you are interested in receiving information about additional topics, please feel free to share thoughts by providing input HERE.
Please be sure to check back regularly as we will be adding more resources throughout the year!
Family Connections Calendar of Events
As a busy parent, we know that you time is extremely valuable. Because of this, we want to make sure that you are able to plan to attend all of the various activities and events that are offered in the district and community.
Please refer to this calendar to find out what is happening in Henry County Schools and Henry County as it relates to Family Engagement.
new families - enrolling in henry county schools
online registration for new students
The New Student Registration process is available online for your convenience through our Online Registration Portal (OLR). In order to register a child online, the enrolling parent can follow the steps shown in this video to upload all required documents in their portal. However, if you prefer to submit the documents to your child's school, you are more than welcome to do so.
If you need help with OLR or need proof of residency assistance, we are more than willing to assist you at The HCS Welcome Center - 166 Holly Smith Drive, McDonough, GA 30252.
annual information update for returning students
In preparation for the 2024-2025 school year, all families should complete the Annual Information Update through the Parent Portal by Friday, May 17, 2024. This process will update all contact information, transportation requests, medical/health information, and will help to ensure that your student will be ready on the first day of school, August 1, 2024.
1. Log in to the Parent Portal, https://bit.ly/HenryCSParentPortal
2. Select “More”
3. Select “Information Update-Verification”
4. Select “2024-2025 Current Student Information Update/Verification”
Here is a video that may assist you in completing this process: https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/online-registration-update-video
preparing your child for school

welcome to Kindergarten!

Successful school transitions
Student technology and one-to-one devices
Did you know that every student in grades 3-12 in Henry County Schools receives their own laptop? These laptops are essential for student instruction and can be carried from school to home on a daily basis for student learning. The resources below can assist parents in learning more about the various resources that their students will use on a daily basis. Students in grades Pre-K to 2nd will have access to iPads while in the classroom.
Parent's Guide to Student iPads - PreK-2

Google Classroom on Chromebook

Google Classroom on iPad

Parent's Guide to Google Classroom

Student Technology Help Desk Video

Student Technology Help Desk PDF

Enter a student ticket here: https://henry.incidentiq.com
transportation resources for families
Registering for Transportation - Please click HERE
HEre Comes the BUS APP
Registering for Here Comes the Bus
Download the Here Comes the Bus App.
https://herecomesthebus.com/Click “Sign Up Today”
Account Registration > Click "I need the code"
Enter Zip Code > Click Search
Select School > Henry County school code is 29902
Click continue to create a new account
Complete the User Profile and accept the Terms of Use Agreement
Click Submit.
Under "My Students", Click "ADD"
Enter the child's last name and student ID number
school nutrition resources for families
Academic support and Learning resources
Are you looking for content specific academic support and learning resources that you can review to assist your child? Do you need a quick overview of what you child is learning in order to help them with homework? Be sure to come back regularly as we add new information and resources throughout the year!
english/language arts (ELA) resources for famlies

Tips for supporting Powerful Readers

Supporting Elementary Readers and Writers at home

Supporting Secondary Readers and Writers at Home
math resources for famlies

henry solves: parents helping to make math matter at home (K-5th)

henry solves: parents helping to make math matter at home (6th-12th grade)
science/stem resources for families

Science - It's a family affair!

Secondary Science - It's Still a FAmily Affair!
social studies resources for famIlies

National history day
Recorded audio presentation

Civic engagement diploma seal
Recorded audio presentation

Advanced learning opportunities for Middle and high school students
Recorded audio presentation

Advanced Learning Opportunities for Middle & HIgh School students
Powerpoint Presentation
exceptional student (ESE) resources

Who to Call When....An ESE Parent's guide to Support in HCS

Creating a Home Learning Environment

Break Cards - What are they and how are they used?

De-Escalation Techniques for Families

Creating a Calm Down Corner in your home

Using a Token Economy to increase desirable behavior

5 Point Scales & Emotional Thermometers

Visual Activity Schedules
Come visit our HCS ESE RElated Services Youtube channel for more resources!
gifted student & enrichment resources

Nurturing creativity

counseling and college planning
Different Types of Scholarships

The Scholarship Blueprint
Financial Aid 101
athletics & fine arts Resources

Athletic Offerings and Eligibility Requirements

Sports offered in HCS
Career, Technical, and Agricultural (CTAE) Education
esol and language support resources

Asistiendo A Juntas Escolares Con Interprete (Attending School Meetings with an Interpreter)

Digital Resources for EL Learners

Recursos digitales para estudiantes del idioma inglés
(Digital Resources for English Language Learners)
state and local assessments

Conquering Test Anxiety

Georgia Milestones Parent Guide

Assessement Info for Parents

ES Report Card Guides for Parents

Middle and High School Report Card Guides for Parents
Student safety
HCS Safety & Security Strategy for 2023-2024
report bullying via our anonymous text tip line
Other bullying resources
Mental health & wellness

Skills to Help Children and Adults Deal With Anger, Stress, & Sadness

Support from your child's School Counselor, Psychologist, and Social Worker
Crisis Text Line Reach a trained counselor by text message. Youth and teens are especially welcome. Text ‘GA’ to 741-741.
home-school partnerships

It Takes a Village... Working Together

Navigating School Discipline - Understanding The HCS Code of Conduct
learning at home-resources for families

Reviewing instructional resources for families

math connections at home
10 Steps to Creating a literacy rich home
Title I family engagement

Ways Parents Can Get Involved & Stay Engaged

Formas en que los padres pueden participar y
mantenerse comprometidos