About Mrs. Bell

Hello everyone, I'm Mrs. Bell! Along with another handful of teachers around the building, I graduated from Eagle's Landing High School and have returned to my home to teach. After high school, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Go Jackets!🐝) I started teaching at Eagle's Landing the fall after my college graduation and then decided the next year to pursue a Master's in Education with a concentration in Career/Technology Education. Last year, I started a new club called Maker's Club that revolves around problem-solving and creating solutions to any problems that a student would like to tackle. For more information on that, check out the page here.

On a more personal note, a few of my hobbies are woodworking, 3D printing, and anything technology related. My husband and I also really enjoy doing home-improvement projects together in our free time. We are both Harry Potter nerds, and the names of our 4 cats reflect just that!

I'm extremely excited about another year here at Eagle's Landing and look forward to meeting each of you!

If you'd like to reach out before school starts, feel free to send me a message and introduce yourself. πŸ™‚

Mr. Bell and Mrs. Bell




Mad-Eye Moody

The Fam