Third Grade

Hi Third Graders! I miss you all a ton! I will put a new enrichment activities up here each week for you all. It's just a fun activity for you all to explore while we are apart. Keep making music, keep singing, keep dancing!!

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User Name: Mallard3 Password: mesmusic

Around the World - Enrichment 2 - April 27 - May 8, 2020

You have studied the seven continents in school and on your choice board. For this two week lesson, we will travel around the world and hear a few selections from each continent. One continent is missing...can you figure out why?!?! Your lesson will be found in Quaver. If you and your parents can not log onto Quaver, please reach out to me or your classroom teacher for assistance!

Moods in Music - Enrichment 1- April 14-24, 2020

Below you will find a Moods in Music Choice Board. There is a lot of stuff to do on this board! Take your time and enjoy it! You don't have to do it all, but I wanted to provide you with a lot of material! You can write out answers to some of these questions...maybe it can even count as your writing activity for the day! You can send me your your answers on email:, share with me on google drive, or tag it on twitter: @Mallard_Music

Moods in Music - 2nd and 3rd Grade