Mrs. Shrader's 

4th Grade Class

Welcome to Mrs. Shrader's 4th Grade Class Site!

I'm so glad you'll be in our 4th grade class this year! I'm working hard to make our 4th grade class engaging and successful for all my students!

curious about me and how this year will go?

Check out the TABS at the top of our class website for:

Helpful Things to KNow:

Homework Agenda:

We are using a Nuckols Farm Homework Agenda daily to record our homework assignments and expectations.

SOL Pass Website: (

I highly recommend your 4th grader practices for quizzes and tests on! Username: Nuckols ES Password: NFES

Friday Classroom Mystery Readers:

Our Class loves to have Virtual Mystery Readers/Visitors to join us on Fridays from 11:30-11:50 to spend 20 minutes reading to our class or teaching us something fun!