Welcome back Holladay families!!

Hello Holladay!!

This is Ms. Powell and Ms. Kuthy, your School Counselors! We are excited about our return to in person learning at Holladay Elementary School!

Yes, Yes, we know this will look very different but we want to encourage you all to fear not and keep a positive mindset! Through this new challenge we have the opportunity to sharpen new skills and build new strengths.

We want to also insure you all that we are still here for YOU as your School Counselors!

You can look forward to:

  • Weekly school counseling lessons

  • Small groups

  • Individual counseling sessions, mediation, and more

Don't forget you can reach us via Schoology! We are looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces!!!

Your School Counselors,

Ms. Powell and Ms. Kuthy


7:20 am-2:50 pm

School Counseling K-2

School Counseling 3-5