Important documents

By:Sophia & Noah

This is the Important Documents it is about the Important Documents lets get started.Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Religious Freedom.Also he had slaves . Jefferson believed in democracy Equality and freedom.The Declaration of Independence states that all men have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Jefferson was elected in 1769 for Virginia Legislature.Jefferson became a strong supporter of independence from Great Britain. Jefferson also worked to make education available to citizens. In 1776 Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence .

Gorge Mason wrote the Declaration of Rights that states that all people have Rights as freedom of religion and freedom of the press .He believed strongly in individual rights and he did opposed slavery.His wrote influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence. Gorge Mason supported independence In 1776 Mason wrote the Declaration of Rights.

James Madison is the father of the Constitution. James Madison was the forth president of the United States.He also led the country through the war of 1812.In 1779 he was elected to the Continental Congress. Many of ideas went into the Constitution. He has a collage named after him in 1778 the convention met in Philadelphia to create a system of government for the united states.In 1794 Madison was elected to the new house of Representatives. In 1776 Madison helped write the first Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence ,Gorge Mason Declaration of Rights,James Madison Constitution. Thomas Jefferson statute for religious freedom.


Click the link below to learn about more about the signers of the of the Declaration of Independence.

St.Johns church is where Patrick Henry gave his famous speech. Click on the viedo!!!!!!!!!!

This is the on the viedo!!!

This is the capitol building! Click on the viedo!!!!!