Ms. Cheryl Richeson

School Counselor

Meet the School Counselor

Hello. I'm Ms. Cheryl Richeson the School Counselor at Arthur Ashe, Jr. Elementary. I am excited to start my 19th year with Henrico County Public Schools. My counseling program involves individual and small group counseling, as well as classroom lessons. I have several other roles at school: 504 Plan Case Manager, Volunteer Coordinator, Attendance Support, and our School Safety Chairperson. Also, I provide consultation and collaboration services to our teachers and parents to support the academic, social and emotional needs of our students. I look forward to a great school year.

(Click on my pic to learn a little more about me.)

The Essential Role of Elementary School Counselors.

(Click on the title to see why school counseling is so important.)

Click on the title above for the link to this wonderful article to help teach mindfulness to your child. Learn how it can help students with difficult emotions, stress, anxiety, and thinking.

Do you want your kids to be happy and achieve their dreams? Of course! Cultivating a growth mindset has been strongly linked to greater happiness and achievement in life. When kids know their brains are capable of growing, amazing things can happen! So how can you help them develop this mindset?


Helpful information, tips and ideas for parents.

Click on the picture above to go the document.

A place for students to relax, breathe, and be mindful

Click "Calm Zone" picture above. Each image in the picture will take you to a great You Tube Video.

Classroom Lessons

Weekly classroom lessons focusing on the Social and Emotional needs of all students.

School Volunteers

Click here for a Volunteer Application for this school year.

Small Group Counseling

Please email me at the address below if you have counseling needs for your child.

You can reach me by email or phone: or 804-343-6550