College Visits


The policy for college visits and your absence from school remains unchanged. The spirit of the policy is to ensure that students make every effort to arrange visits when they do not have a commitment to their current courses. College visits are excused absences when attendance is notified within 24 hours of the visit.

Senior Exam Exemption

Senior exam exemption* is a privilege awarded to those who make every effort to ensure their academic achievement and attendance to courses is of top priority. If Senior exam exemption is a concern for you there are additional criteria with regard to college visits. You are allotted 3 college visits which will not impact your senior exemption. Ms. Martino in attendance or me (Mr. Schulhoff) track these. In order for a physical visit to count among these 3 visits, you must supply either of us with a campus letterhead stating that you were in attendance. An email advising of the event is not sufficient. We must have documentation that you actually attended. Documentation can be mailed, scanned, or e-mailed to the school to our attention. A picture of the letter can be emailed, or it can be faxed to our attention (804-527-4619). If your school of choice is not offering college visits due to closure/covid, we suggest contacting the school for possible options and/or following CDC guidelines and visiting on a weekend/Holiday. See below for additional information.

*No senior exam exemption applies to dual enrollment Reynolds classes

Has COVID impacted your plans to visit college campuses?

Here are some links to ideas to make the most of what is available to help you determine which college(s) may be right for you: