Welcome to Britt's Weekly Wrap!

Each week Brittany releases an informative piece on myths and facts related to sports medicine, athletic performance, and nutrition. 

If you would like to see a certain topic discussed, send an email to fordbri@hendricks.k12.in.us

TW Shin Splints - A Fractured Understanding

Shin Splints - A Fractured Understanding

March 1, 2023

TW Recovery Position -- Lazy or Lucrative?

Recovery Position - Lazy or Lucrative?

March 8, 2023

TW Cramping -- Has Water Intake Been Unfairly Blamed?

Cramping - Has Water Intake Been Unfairly Blamed?

March 16, 2023

TW Cryotherapy Pt. 1 -- When Icing Is Hurting

Cryotherapy - When Icing Is Hurting

April 6, 2023

TW Post-Activity Recovery – Eat Well, Drink Well, Move Well

Post-Activity Recovery – Eat Well, Drink Well, Move Well

April 14, 2023