CTE Entrepreneurship

Career and technical education (CTE) is the practice of teaching specific career skills to students in middle school, high school, and post-secondary institutions. CTE is split into 16 career clusters, one of which is entrepreneurship or business.

Entrepreneurship, or small business ownership, is an increasingly attractive option to young people as well as adults who are striving to find careers that are exciting to them and offer the potential for personal and financial success. In recent years, the majority of new jobs in both professional and technical areas have been in the small business sector.


Alex Serrato - CTE Entrepreneurship Teacher

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Check out the videos below to learn more about what CTE Entrepreneurship is all about!

Entrepreneurship 2.0.3gp

Student Testimonials

Watch this video to hear from some students that have taken this pathway and why they recommend it!

What is an Entrepreneur? Video

Check out the video above to learn more about what an entrepreneur is!