Spelling Words

We will have a spelling pre-test on Monday (4-8) and a graded spelling test on Friday (4-12). Students are going to be learning about words that have r-controlled vowel syllables.

1. brain 

2. staircase 

3. domain 

4. praise 

5. trainer 

6. oatmeal 

7. beneath 

8. repeat 

9. reveal 

10. increase 

11. sneak 

12. boast 

13. afloat 

14. croak 

15. compound   

16. discount 

17. speed 

18. sleeve 

19. sheep 

20. baboon

We are learning about words that have /ü/, /ū/, and /ů/.

1. sickly

2. hardly

3. quickly

4. slowly

5. carefully

6. wonderful

7. beautiful

8. graceful

9. spoonful

10. darkness

11. shapeless

12. ageless

13. illness

14. goodness

15. spotless

16. painless

17. weakness

18. darkest

19. clearest

20. thoughtful

We will have a spelling pretest on Monday, 10/16, and the graded spelling test on Friday, 10/20. Here are the spelling words for next week; we are learning about digraphs.

1. thirty 

2. width 

3. northern 

4. fifth 

5. choose 

6. touch 

7. chef 

8. chance 

9. pitcher 

10. kitchen 

11. sketched 

12. ketchup 

13. snatch  

14. stretching 

15. rush 

16. whine 

17. whirl 

18. bring 

19. graph 

20. photo

Week 5 spelling words. 

9/25: Spelling pretest. 9/29: Graded spelling test

The spelling pre test will be on Monday, and the graded spelling test will be on Friday. Here are the spelling words for week 4. Please consider practicing spelling these words with your student to ensure a good grade on the spelling test. 

1. climb 

2. minding 

3. pies 

4. die 

5. height 

6. sigh 

7. fright 

8. slight

9. drive 

10. file 

11. kite 

12. prime 

13. pride 

14. slice 

15. twice 

16. wipe 

17. pry

18. sly

19. shy 

20. spy

Here below is the list for week 3 spelling words. Pretest on 9/11 and graded test on 9/15.

1. evening

2. zebra

3. breathe

4. league

5. squeaky 

6. healer

7. sleek

8. indeed

9. reef

10. deed

11. speech

12. wheeze

13. concrete

14. scheme

15. belief

16. chief

17. honey

18. Donkey

19. family

20. weary

Here are the spelling words for week 2. Spelling pre-test will be on Tuesday, 9/5 and the graded spelling test will be on Friday, 9/8

We will start each Monday, or Tuesday if there is a holiday, with a weekly (non-graded) spelling pre-test. Spelling words should be studied throughout the week in preparation for the graded spelling test on Friday. Here are the spelling words for week 1