
Publisher: Pearson

Indiana Trigonometry Framework

Trigonometry is offered as a Concurrent Enrollment course through Indiana University.


Trigonometry: Unveiling the Mysteries of Triangles and Beyond

Trigonometry, often abbreviated as "trig," isn't just about triangles (though they play a starring role). It's a branch of mathematics that unlocks the fascinating relationships between angles and sides within triangles, and extends those concepts to explore periodic phenomena in the real world. In high school trigonometry, students embark on a journey through several key areas:

Why Trigonometry Matters:

Trigonometry is a foundational skill for many scientific and technical fields. It equips students with the tools to solve practical problems involving angles and side lengths. Beyond calculations, trigonometry fosters a deeper understanding of periodic phenomena in the natural world.

Connecting Trigonometry to Other Subjects:

Trigonometry acts as a bridge between geometry and algebra. It utilizes geometric concepts of angles and side lengths while employing algebraic tools to solve equations and analyze functions. This connection strengthens students' grasp of both subjects. Trigonometry also lays the groundwork for further exploration of calculus, where concepts like sine and cosine functions become building blocks for more advanced mathematical analysis.

In essence, trigonometry empowers students to see the world through a new lens, one where angles and their relationships hold the key to solving problems and understanding the beauty of periodic phenomena.