Your school is the only place in life where you join crying and leave crying!

Intro to our weblog

When we reminisce about the golden days at school, all of us wish to relive those moments beyond the shadow of a doubt. Besides acquiring knowledge, a school is also a place where students can develop into better humans every passing year.

School days are filled with countless memories that we cherish for the rest of our lives. To preserve such treasured moments of our school years, Hebron We blog presents this page, where we pen down the memorable moments of the events that take place in our school. 

It is also a platform where we bring to light an array of writing talents that our students possess and encourage them to grow more in the field of literature and art and be fully prepared to confront the world in days to come.

Hebron WeBlog

JUNE 2024 : Fall in love with magic of words 


Cool breeze blowing through the window,
Gently kissing my face, making me feel alive.
I adore the beauty of the green which fills my eye.
And the sunshine falling in the curves of my smile.

        The shooting music releases all my stress.
        Making me realise I can still be happy even when life is a mess.
        My body vives cherishing the time & heart fills with joy.
        My mind gets lost in the moment and soul flies away high.
  ~Shreyasi Kisku  (XII  Science)

Conflicting emotions

What is this feeling?

Where everything seems so perfect yet flawed

My heart filled with happiness yet sorrows

Where I want to write yet am at  a loss of words

What is this feeling?

Of being on the right track, yet being lost

Of drowning yet swimming

Of being free yet trapped

Days of emotional incontinence yet happy

Perhaps it's my overthinking

But, What is this feeling?

   ~Antara Rastogi (XII Science)


Broken Chandelier

“To be or not to be” in this magnanimous apocalypse?

Stifling between existence and presence

Touch of a hand to a touch of a soul.

‘Murari’ is this your closing act?

Where Humans forbade humanity,

Time plays its tricks. 

Here we are to face wrath and hell at loose

While the spectrum scatters on the splinters of the broken chandelier.

                                                                      ~Mrs. Nairhita Ghosh (TGT English Teacher)

          Guiding Roots

In halls of learning,voice led the way
Teachers plant seed, where knowledge may sway
with patience, they tend  each curious mind,
Helping us seek explore and find

In their wisdom, paths of growth unfurl
kindling the light in every boy and girl
from questions asked to answers sown
Teachers shape worlds, where dreams are grown

With every lesson, a beacon they stand,
Molding futures with a gentle hand
Through the years, their echo grow,
Teachers are the roots that help us grow.

        ~Simon Pradhan  (XI  Humanities)

MAY 2024

           Award Ceremony

"Success does not come from what you do occasionally, but what you do consistently."

On May 17, 2024, Hebron School, New Rangia, held an award ceremony for the meritorious students who excelled in their board examination for the academic year, 2023-2024. We are proud of each and every student that has come out with flying colors.We wish each and every student good luck in all of their future endeavors.

The Investiture Ceremony 2024-25

"A leader is one who knows the way , goes the way , and shows the way" - John Maxwell. 

This indeed is a true translation of a leader . Someone who has the quality and ability to encourage, manage and lead the people around them. They possess the extraordinary skill of leadership. Now, if we talk about leadership we must know that it is not in any sense synonymous to dominating but to guiding. A true leader never oppresses the people but polishes them to bring out the best in them. Leadership must be developed from childhood , because it is a skill to be perfected. That can happen only through opportunity and our biggest scope for it lies in school. We see students who take up such responsibilities.

 13th May 2024 , the Student Council of Hebron School was formed officially. It was an event of great significance especially for the students who were personally involved, i.e,the students from classes 9 to 12 who had been selected for bearing the responsibilities. They received their badges - a symbol of duty , power and liability. They entered the hall in a riveting march which exuded importance. The school captains at the head were followed by the vice captains,sports captains, co-curricular activity captains and marshals and journalists. Their faces brimming with pride and joy. The cheers of the students filled the hall. It was fascinating to look at them passing by.  Our respected Principal Mrs. Jemeema Philipose , Vice Principal Mrs. Jayanti Das and other dignitaries too had  proud smiles on their faces. One after another the chosen pupils came forward to receive their respective badges and took up their positions on stage facing the entire crowd. Continuing , the oath was taken where they swore to maintain the decorum and dignity of the school. Followed by , a short photo session had been done in order to capture some memories of the day. Marking the end of the Investiture Ceremony were the valuable and encouraging words of the dignitaries.The Student Council 2024-25 was thus formed with dutiful members who were willing to uphold and bear this difficult task. 

'Leaders aren't born, they're made’. We believe the leaders of Hebron School will shine brighter and become even better leaders ahead in life. It is just the beginning and they still have the time to hone their skills. 

  -Adisha Saha (Class IX)

 A Day's Beauty

At dawn's first light, the sky ignites,

A symphony of hues so bright,

With golden rays that gently play 

The world awakens bright,

The ascends, the forests gleam,

Beneath its warm the rivers stream.

Leaves whisper secrets in the breeze,

A dance of light among the trees.

As evening falls, the sky ablaze,

with amber glow and crimson haze,

The sun descends, a stunning sight,

The world prepares for restful night.


The night arrives, the stars take flight 

In velvet skies, a tranquil,

The moonlight casts a silver sheen,

A silent world, serene and clean.

         -By Simon Pradhan (XI Humanities)                                                                           

  What do you think is love?

 Love - a strong feeling or appreciation for someone or something. A connection fueled by affection, attraction and obsession. Psychologically, it is an  intense and complex emotion, comprising of  devotion and passion.

This sentiment holds different meanings for different people. For a musician it's music, for a poet it is their poetry. It varies a lot. Love  can be felt by an individual for their parents, friends, hobbies, dreams or their better half. We always tend to misapprehend its meaning. It is often believed to be synonymous to obsession. But, love teaches us to be a better person, it shows us the underlying beauty of life. When we have such a strong bond within us, even the most difficult times seems to be tolerable. Be it your parents' love, your friend's love or maybe the bitter - sweet one of your sibling.

People value their dreams and aspirations, but we tend to compromise sometimes. That should not be the case. Oftentimes we forget that we should nourish our visions and nurture their tender wings. Only then we will  really achieve them.  Love is a language understood by all; human, animals and nature. It sounds so easy, it feels so simple , yet it is the most complex and strongest emotion. We talk about love, we write and sing about love. But there's something still inexplicable.

So, once again let's think and inquire oneself  "what do you think is love ?"      

                                                   -By Adisha Saha (Class IX)                                                                              

The purpose of love

Love is an emotion, an abstract feeling of positivity. Great poets like William Wordsworth, through billions of words were in love - in love with nature, humanity and modesty. Love is a special feeling which ignites our heart and life. It  is about admiring someone or something for its  richness, honesty and genuine nature. But why do we need love?  The answer is simple and can be summed up to just one word - Affection.  As human beings, we seek out those who truly care for us and support us through tough times, both personal and professional. Love provides that all- encompassing support in one place.

Love gives us the comfort we all need at some point in life and helps us rediscover ourselves in unexpected ways. A person without love is like a radio without music—incomplete. The human heart feels empty without love. Love gives us a purpose to live for, transcending gender; it's about the spirituality that defines affection, care, and respect. Love offers the freedom to be yourself and to embrace each moment with positivity and a smile. It comes from within and can't be forced, as forced love is merely obsession. True love means trusting and relying on someone who will not betray you.  I believe, Love is magic. A miracle indeed!

                                                                               -By Anshu Kumar Singh (XI Humanities)                                                                                                                                                                                   

                           The Willow Tree

In the heart of a small village, nestled by the edge of a tranquil lake, lived two friends named Anna and Sam. Their friendship was like the ancient willow tree that stood tall near the water’s edge—a silent witness to their shared laughter, secrets, and quiet moments.

Anna was the artist—the one who saw poetry in the ripples of the lake and painted sunsets with her words. She collected pebbles, each one a memory etched into her heart. Sam, on the other hand, was the scientist—the curious mind who studied the patterns of dragonflies, counted the stars, and knew the names of every wildflower that bloomed in their meadow.

Their friendship began in kindergarten when Anna shared her crayons with Sam during art class. They giggled over misshapen suns and purple elephants, and from that day forward, they were inseparable. They explored the woods, built forts, and chased fireflies until the moon peeked through the leaves.

As they grew older, their bond deepened. High school brought its own challenges—exams, cliques, and the pressure to conform. But Anna and Sam remained true to themselves. Anna wrote heartfelt poems in her notebook, and Sam dissected flowers to understand their anatomy. They sat by the whispering willow, legs dangling over the water, and dreamed of adventures beyond their village.

One autumn afternoon, Anna confessed, “Sam, I want to travel the world. I want to see the Eiffel Tower, taste exotic spices, and dance under foreign skies.”

Sam smiled, his eyes reflecting the golden leaves. “And I want to unravel the mysteries of the universe,” he said. “To study constellations, find hidden planets, and maybe even discover a comet.”

They made a pact—their dreams entwined like the willow’s branches. Anna saved every penny from her part-time job at the bakery, while Sam borrowed astronomy books from the library. They promised to write letters, no matter how far apart they were.

When Anna’s grandmother passed away, Sam sat with her by the lake. They watched the sun dip below the horizon, its reflection shimmering on the water. Anna whispered, “She used to say that the willow tree held the secrets of the universe.”

Sam nodded. “Maybe it does,” he said. “Maybe it whispers to us, reminding us of our dreams.”

Years passed. Anna traveled to Paris, tasted spices in Marrakech, and danced under star-studded skies. Sam earned a scholarship to study astrophysics, his telescope pointed toward distant galaxies. Their letters crossed oceans, filled with stories of love, loss, and wonder.

One winter, Anna returned home. The willow tree stood bare, its branches reaching toward the heavens. She found Sam waiting by the water, snowflakes dusting his hair. His eyes sparkled as he said, “Anna, I discovered a new comet. I named it ‘Whispering Willow.’”

Anna hugged him, tears freezing on her cheeks. “Sam,” she whispered, “our dreams—they’re still alive.”

And so, beneath the ancient willow, they made a new pact—to chase comets and sunsets, to unravel the universe together. Their friendship remained unbreakable, a constellation of memories etched into the bark of the whispering tree.

                                                                              -By Ankur Gupta(XII Humanities)

April 2024

An Euphonious Experience!

Mr. Ehsaan Noorani, is a prominent figure in the world of music, renowned as one-third of the dynamic music director trio Shankar Ehsaan Loy. With a career spanning decades, Ehsaan has left an indelible mark on the Indian music industry through his exceptional talent and innovative compositions. Beyond his contributions to the realm of Bollywood music, Ehsaan Noorani is also deeply involved in nurturing the next generation of musicians.

 Ehsaan's multifaceted expertise as a composer, musician, and educator underscores his commitment to excellence and his dedication to fostering a vibrant musical community. His journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of music and the enduring impact of those who devote themselves to its cultivation and advancement.

Mr. Ehsaan Noorani, a highly regarded individual, graced our school on Monday, April 29, 2024, and it has been an exhilarating experience for the entire Hebron School family. It was indeed a star struck moment for the student’s as well as the teachers.Everyone was captivated by the performance. Sir Ehsaan Noorani provided an aura of positivity and inspired every single soul present there. 

It was a treasured moment as everyone returned back with a joyful heart.

  -By the members of Hebron Blog


Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jake. Jake had a best friend named


And one day, Jake and Ben decide to walk through the forest!

Then, while they were deep in the forest, Ben was Lost!

Not to be seen at all. Jake was scared to death. Not knowing what to do, Jake

runs back to the Village and informs the police what has happened.

Ben’s parents are worried sick.

The police were clueless of what happened. So, Jake finally stops depending on

the police and buys him a huge bag and puts a – Torch, a Lighter, a Knife, a

huge Water bottle, a tent , and some can food.

These supplies were enough to last a month.

Then Jake leaves the village and wanders into the jungle. Then after a long

journey he could not find Ben anywhere.

So, Jake makes a Bonfire, some food and ate it. Then he went to sleep.

He woke up to realizes he is Kidnapped! Then he gets thrown in a prison. And

Jake is shock because next to him is Ben! And he looks at the men who

kidnapped him.

They look like tribal men with spears. Jake manages to lockpick the cage, and

Jake and Ben run for freedom and behind them are the Tribal men. Both of them

run towards the village.

Jake throws his knife at the men for only that man to die But, there are more

coming their way and Jake and Ben reach the police station.

But, the tribal men are still on their tail and once the police saw this they shoot

all the tribal men.

And Ben is taken to the hospital. And Jake is told by the Police that these men

are not tribal men these are Man Eaters!!!

And police told Jake that if it were not for you Ben would be dead!

Once Ben recovered he thanks Jake so much. The villagers come together and

award Jake Nobel prize for risking his life to save his friend.

-By Jordan Moncy Mammen (Class VI A)

The Real Dream🌌

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Lilly she had a friend named Laily,

they both wanted to become astronauts when they grow up, it was a dream from


Lilly and Laily met in college, they were both talking about their future, they

got happy to know each other.

Both belonged to two different families who adopted them, and they did not

have their parents.

Not a long time soon they became best friends they had known each other for a

long period of time but soon Lilly had to go to another country, Laily became

sad. They lost touch with each other too.

Once Lilly was passing by her college and for her utter surprise, she saw Laily

and was full of joy.

They were overjoyed and hugged and cried!

Now they decided that they will go to the same college, finally then they


They were so close and always together!

It was the time for them to become an astronaut, they gave their best shot and


One day Lilly was curios and told Laily, why don’t we do a DNA test? I feel

that we belong to each other.

They did a DNA test for Laily and herself, when they got it they realized THEY

WERE SISTERS they shout in excitement jumping and screaming yay the

neighbors asked “ WHATS SO BRILLIANT?’’

they said ‘’ WE ARE SISTERS”


Then they went to their foster family and decided that they are going to be

together, and they had a beautiful life as sisters who went to space together!

-By Rachel Moncy  Mammen (Class V A)







    ~Mrs. Jemeema Philipose (Principal)

           Human Value

When a baby is born, there is so much of joy and cheer,

House filled with toys, colorful clothes and diapers,

Sleepless nights and messy homes, all but for the sake of this baby.


Sacrifices by mother, cost bore by father

Sometimes both torn apart for the sake of their apple of their eye

Still find their worth , their whole world for the sake of their baby.


I still don’t understand, when does this gem lose its value?

When does this beautiful handiwork of God loses its worth?

Is it while the child meets the real-world out or is it in the bosom of family?


Is it when he or she is no longer a boy and girl?

Is it when he turns a man and she turns a woman?

Then turning out to be another mouth to feed or another liability upon the family!


Sometimes in desperate moments this very gem seeks to get lost,

Or try to take away his life.

Even more frantic moments be killed or raped by another and dug as a worthless piece!

As my heart rips apart to see this very precious gift- human life,

Being thrown out on open fields or in flowing river dead

How much more my Master’s heart tears to his see His handiwork in despair!!

      ~Mrs. Jemeema Philipose (Principal)

 The crimson sky

The ‘last leaf’

A beautiful lie

Barring the ugly yet divine truth.

Each morn the crimson sky

Scatters rays of hope of a hundred years old.

Its quite,serene

Man speaks to himself

Gulping in every ounce of this pure moment.

The sky yet again turns crimson

Scattering rays of hope of a hundred years old.

   ~Miss Nairhita Ghosh (TGT English Teacher)

A New Beginning

In the stillness of dawn, a whispering breeze,

A new beginning unfolds, with endless possibilities.

Each sunrise brings promise, a change to a new start,

To chase dreams unspoken, and regain the lost spark.

With each step forward, leave the past behind,

Embrace the unknown, with an open mind.

For in each new beginnings, you can soar and explore,

uncharted waters and so much more.

Like a phoenix, rising from the ashes, we too shall rise,

With hope in our hearts and fire in our eyes,

In every stumble and fall, a lesson we learn,

We shall dance to the rhythm of life's sweet song.

For in each new beginning, lies a story untold,

A canvas of dreams for us to unfold.

~Raj Sharma (XII Science)

MARCH 2024

March Mania

 The school buzzed with excitement as it embraced March mania with a multitude of activities. Throughout this time, a wide range of activities were scheduled to bring out the best in the student, foster a love of writing, art, and craft, and spread knowledge about current events and the wider world. Every student's zeal and excitement were evident.

March Mania was all about fun, new learning, and discovering new ideas. It brought out the hidden and potential talents of the students. Activities were well-curated and sorted into specific sections for  class 1-4, class 5-8, and class 9–11. Each category partook in a variety of enjoyable activities.

Classes 1 - 4 participated in activities such as card making, puppet making, quizzes, and storytelling. Remedial classes in mathematics, English, and Hindi were also provided. Whereas classes 5-8 were involved in activities such as story writing, dot painting, warli art, collage making, book discussions, math remedial classes, quizzes, debates, comic stories, making bracelets bands, pebble paint, show lamp, best out of waste, clay modeling, etc. Classes 9 and 11 had their share of enjoyment too. They tried their hands in  pebble painting, best made out of waste, clay modeling, making flower bouquets, wall hanging, bead bracelets, Warli art painting, book discussions, creative writing, quizzes, and debates.

ECA evaluation were held on the final day of March Mania to determine the overall outcome of the year's learning. Additionally, certificates of encouragement and appreciation were given to the students in recognition of their good behavior, academic excellence, athletic demeanor, and participation in a variety of year-round activities.

March Mania yielded positive and fruitful outcomes as evidenced by students' continued attendance in classes and participation in all activities demonstrating their enthusiasm and eagerness for learning new things.

~ Miss Sonika Minj (Librarian)

                                 Growing Up

Near the age 

when question starts to appear,

you're wondering why 

your road is not clear.

Pink is not my favorite color

neither do I wear my colorful shoes.

Hide and seek feels like past

Everything changed so fast.

My songs were about the

sun, moon and stars

but now, it is about things

that always leaves scars.

Princess stories were my dearest book

but now it's not even on my shelf,

playing with dolls feels like past,

everything changed so fast.

Things I said I will never do

are mistakes I make everyday

the words that hurts is everything

I have to say.

                                                                                                                                            ~ Composed by
                                                    Anannya Singha (XI Humanities)

           Vacation after a demanding schedule and pressure.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire

                 ~William Butler Yeats

As students emerge from the intense period of academic pursuits, their minds ablaze with newfound knowledge and insights, the time for igniting the flames of curiosity and exploration presents itself. Just as education kindles the spark of learning, vacations after exams offer the opportunity to fan the flames of discovery and personal growth.

As the stress of exams begins to fade away and the weight of textbooks is replaced by the lightness of freedom, students across the globe are faced with a golden opportunity - the chance to embark on a well-deserved vacation. The period following exams is not just a break from academic rigors; it is a crucial time for relaxation, rejuvenation, and reflection.

Vacations after exams serve as a vital reset button for students, allowing them to recharge their batteries and replenish their mental and physical energy. The intense focus and concentration required during exam preparation can take a toll on one's well-being, leading to burnout and fatigue. A vacation provides the perfect antidote to this, offering a chance to unwind, de-stress, and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

Moreover, vacations offer a valuable opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Away from the pressures of academic deadlines and performance expectations, students can take the time to reflect on their achievements, set new goals, and gain perspective on their academic journey. Whether it's exploring a new destination, engaging in a new hobby, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, vacations provide the space for introspection and self-discovery.

In addition to the personal benefits, vacations after exams also have a positive impact on academic performance. Research has shown that taking breaks and engaging in leisure activities can enhance cognitive function, improve memory retention, and boost creativity. By allowing the brain to rest and recharge, vacations can actually lead to better academic outcomes in the long run.

Furthermore, vacations offer students the chance to broaden their horizons, experience new cultures, and gain a fresh perspective on the world. Traveling to new destinations, meeting new people, and trying new activities can expand one's worldview, foster cultural awareness, and promote a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness.

In conclusion, vacations after exams are not just a luxury; they are a necessity for students to thrive academically, emotionally, and personally. By taking the time to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate, students can return to their studies with renewed vigor, clarity, and motivation. So, whether it's a beach getaway, a mountain retreat, or a cultural expedition, make sure to plan a vacation after exams to reap the myriad benefits that come with it.

Remember, a well-rested mind is a powerful one!

 Exams and Pressure

Exams are looming, deadlines are near

Pressure is mounting, stress is clear

You study hard, you try your best

But sometimes you feel like you need a rest

You wonder if it's worth the pain

To cram your brain with facts and names

You question if you're good enough

To pass the test and prove your stuff

But don't let exams and pressure get you down

You have the skills and knowledge to astound

You are not defined by a score or a grade

You are more than the sum of what you've made

So take a breath, relax your mind

Remember why you love to learn and find

The joy in exploring new ideas and views

And trust that you will make it through

Exams and pressure are part of life

But they don't have to cause you strife

You have the power to overcome and cope

And always remember, there is always hope.

~Composed by 

Ankur Gupta (Class XI Humanities)


                   Graduation Ceremony

A grand Graduation Ceremony was held on the 10th of February, 2024 in the Auditorium of Hebron School, New Rangia for the students of  class XII students.  It was a very special, memorable and emotional moment for all our students who had been under the care of the dedicated teachers and staff members. 

The Chief Guest for the big day was Mr. Biswajit Saha, Director of Saint Paul’s School, Jalpaiguri. The occasion was graced by the presence of the esteemed dignitaries,  Founder Director of Hebron Group of Schools – Rev. Mammen Joseph sir and Mrs. Aleyamma Mammen Ma’am, Founder Hebron School , Chairman of Hebron School Mr. Moncy Mammen, Rev. Robinson sir and his wife, School leaders of Hebron English School, Bagdogra – Principal Mr. Babu Mathew, Vice Principals -  Mrs. Sujata and Mr. Zaffar.

The ceremony was witnessed by the students of classes IX to XI and the parents and guardians of our out-going class XII students. The Graduation Ceremony began with the procession of the guests followed by class XII students and the teachers and staff members. As everybody walked solemnly, the band students of the school played band instruments. This was followed by prayer and school song by our choir team. The guests were welcomed with scarfs and bouquets. Principal, Mrs Jemeema Philipose welcomed the assembly and she presented the school report. She informed about the various curricular and extra-curricular events that took place in the session 2023 – 2024. She also spoke about the achievements that the school has achieved in last 9 years of the school establishment. The honourable Chief Guest, Mr. Biswajit Saha, in his convocation address, complimented the graduates on their achievements and motivated them to dream big in life. School Director, Mr. Moncy Mammen also shared valuable insights and motivating words with the students. He laid emphasis on the importance of value systems and meaningful relationships, as he spoke of his own experiences to motivate the students. The most important part of the day – “The Graduation Ceremony” started with the class XII students dressed in graduation capes and caps walking on to the stage as the class teachers presented their awards. The Principal along with the Director felicitated the students with certificates and mementos. 

Music is a piece of art that goes straight to our hearts, and keeping this in mind and to motivate our graduates, students of class XI presented melodious songs. Teachers also presented special songs for our students. The school memories through video presentation left everyone emotional. The event moved ahead with the class representation by some of our students- Prama Biswas, the head girl spoke on behalf of Class XII Science. Manas Sinha, head boy spoke on behalf of Class XII Commerce. Prasan Rai, Sports Captain spoke on behalf of Class XII Humanities. The teachers then lighted the individual candles held by the students as a mark of wresting new responsibility and handing over the guiding light of everlasting knowledge and wisdom, earned at School. It was an assurance of strength as they readied to step out of the seams of a security they are certain of. 

Each student is unique, and some stand out with extraordinary qualities. These exceptional students were also honored the very same day with trophies by the Chief Guest. The awards were based on Academic Excellence, Well behavior and Leadership quality and Best sportsperson. The students with full Attendance were also awarded. The Student Council Members who made remarkable contributions in helping teachers and planning and executing various school events also got awarded. Award ceremony was followed by felicitation of our students by Vice – Principal, Mrs. Jayanti Das and prayer for Graduates by Rev. Robinson sir.

The programme ended with a vote of thanks by one of our teachers, Mrs. Purna Tamang. She thanked all the guests, parents, guardians and the out-going class XII students. Before she concluded, she reiterated the important points spoken by the speakers. She thanked all the teachers and staff members for their timely support and guidance. She reminded the students the importance of being a true representative of Hebron School and not to disgrace the reputation of the school and community. Lastly Guests, Teachers, parents and the students then stepped outdoors for the photo session along with ‘tossing the hats’ ritual by the young graduates.

May God Bless these ‘graduates’ as they continue their education in the colleges and higher institutions. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors!

-By Rasna Lakhotia (PGT, Biology Teacher)

                                 Animal Cruelty. 

In shadows cast, a tale untold,

A darkness dwells, cruel and cold.

Where innocent souls, with pleading eyes,

Suffer in silence, hear their cries.

In cages confining, their spirits break,

Their freedom stolen, for greed's sake.

Whips and chains, their bodies bear,

Aching hearts burdened by despair.

Oh, let us rise against this blight,

Unite our voices, fight the fight.

For creatures small, whose voices fade,

Let compassion guide, and love cascade.

In every paw-print, every feathered wing,

A world of wonder, let us bring.

Respect and kindness, our sacred creed,

To end the cruelty, fulfill their need.

Let's be their guardians, their guiding light,

Protect their lives, both day and night.

For in their eyes, a reflection we find,

A reminder of the compassion within mankind.

So let us stand, hand in hand,

Against this cruelty, we take a stand.

For the animals, whose souls are pure,

Let's cherish, protect, and ensure

A world where they can thrive and be,

In harmony, wild and free.     

                                                                                           -By Simran Limbu (XI Science)

                                  Exploring the History of Space Exploration

Humanity's journey into the cosmos is a testament to our insatiable curiosity and relentless pursuit of knowledge. The history of space exploration is a captivating narrative that has unfolded over decades, marking milestones that redefine our understanding of the universe.

The era of space exploration dawned with the launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, by the Soviet Union in 1957. This historic event not only ignited the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union but also paved the way for future endeavors. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth, symbolizing a monumental achievement in space exploration.

The Apollo program, initiated by the United States, reached its pinnacle in 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the lunar surface during the Apollo 11 mission. This extraordinary feat marked the first human steps on another celestial body, capturing the world's imagination and pushing the boundaries of what seemed possible.

Looking ahead, projects like the James Webb Space Telescope and plans for crewed missions to Mars indicate that the quest to explore the cosmos is far from over. Space exploration not only advances scientific discovery but also fosters international cooperation, pushing humanity to reach new heights and unravel the mysteries of the vast, uncharted expanse beyond our planet.
                                                                    - By Bhumi Raj  (XI  Science)

JANUARY - 2024
Hebron wishes you and your family a very Happy New Year.


Sometimes, it's not just about putting up a list of resolutions and trying to fulfill them. You don't always need to have NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS- every year, where a few always remain omitted. So, why  not have a contrasting resolution this year? I assure you its worth the shot. In fact this commitment can be made to even in the middle of an ordinary day. We all know 'variety is the spice of life,' so let's decide or rather have a resolution of not having any resolution. Trust the process, it will absolutely help you to get the ball rolling. Here's how:

Just imagine, if you are free of resolutions, you are free of regrets too. No regrets, no dissatisfaction and most importantly, no breaking promises. Consequently, there will be a calm and serene start to your brand new year. Also, you can just give yourself a break and go with the flow. Most of us have a tendency to bell the cat and have a serious goal to be a new person. But, we often forget our original version and we must agree that it has a non-identical vibe. Well, let me add this too, when I sat down with this pen and paper, I had no idea what this article would like. I took things as they came. I wasn't just reminding or repeating some motivational quotes that you see on social media. I promise, in reality the feeling of being unsure about your next step is quite nice. It can add a beautiful streak to your personality.  

      -by Miss Adhisha Sha (VIII)

            January's Promise : From fresh starts to lasting commitments

January offers a distinct experience. Everyone is happy, upbeat, and hopeful as they welcome a fresh start and put behind them past hurts, betrayals, rejections, losses and disappointments. The future sparkles with meticulously planned resolutions and to-do lists. However, how many of us truly  follow through on our commitments and sustain our motivation along the way? Very few, indeed, as it is inherent in human nature. In fact, studies show that just twenty percent of people follow through on their resolutions. This may stem from a lack of willpower, tenacity, resilience, or motivation. To live a healthy and calm life, nevertheless, these are crucial abilities to acquire. If someone can cultivate these attributes, life becomes a serene voyage instead of a contest or a sprint. Let's all make a commitment this year to ingrain these abilities and set on a beautiful life journey.
                                                                                                                      -by Mrs. Manorama Rai (PGT English Teacher)

                                            Republic day : Celebrating Unity and Heritage 

Every year on January 26th, Republic Day is observed to commemorate the day our constitution went into effect in 1950. Following this day, our nation attained true democracy and independence. India had spent centuries as a colony under foreign rule. On August 15, 1947, we gained independence, our nation's constitution was drafted and on January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution became operative. All through the nation, people celebrate it with great fervor as it is a day of great joy.

Hebron School New Rangia celebrated the 75th Republic Day of India with pride and reverence. With our Founder and Director Rev. Mammen Joseph raising the tricolor flag, the ceremony got underway. The national anthem was sung to honor the motherland after the flag was raised. The students of class Eleven marched to tunes played by our school band. 

The school reverberated with patriotic enthusiasm as the E.C.A children performed patriotic dances and songs. Our Principal, addressed the students outlining the sacrifices made by our great leaders and to become knowledgeable citizens of the nation and participate in the advancement and improvement of the community around them.

The day was filled with joy and reminded each one of us to be responsible citizens to enhance the condition of our country.
                                                                                           - by Miss Sharon Lepcha (English Teacher)

             Elocution and debate showdown

Hebron School's auditorium was a hive of activity as the eagerly awaited literary competition took center stage. Pupils eagerly participated, showing off their inventiveness and writing skills across all grade levels. The literary competition gave students a forum to share their ideas, feelings, and distinct viewpoints. With students devoting their entire selves to their work, it was evidence of the school's thriving literary talent. In addition to showcasing inventiveness, the competition inspired students to use their imaginations to the fullest.

The atmosphere was electric with anticipation on the day of the competition. Awaiting their moment to present their literary works to the audience, participants waited anxiously. Recitations of poems had a tangible power that captivated the audience and made an impression that would last.

The judges, who were distinguished educators, examined every submission with great care, appreciating the effort and skill that each piece required. The difficult task of choosing winners was made evident during the deliberation process by the excellent writing that the students had submitted. The results were revealed after much anticipation, and the winners were met with raucous cheers. The competition revealed the great talent at the school, and each contestant made a lasting impression with their skill at reciting. The literary contest was not just a competition; it was a celebration of creativity, courage, and the power of words. The platform offered students a chance to shine, instilling a love for literature and motivating them to continue improving their writing abilities. The school's commitment to nurturing creativity and providing space for students to express themselves through storytelling was evidenced in the contest.

To conclude, the contest was a remarkable success, leaving a lasting impact on both participants and audience members. The school's vibrant literary community and its students' boundless creativity are reflected in this testament. 

                                                    -by Sonali Dey (XI Commerce)


The purpose of our life is to be happy. The most important thing is to enjoy our life- to be happy- it's all that matters. Life is beautiful and we should enjoy every moment of it. With this motive, I would like to share my experience when I and my classmates along with our teachers were taken to Dreamland Amusement Park. I was very excited to go there. In the bus, we were singing songs, had snacks and also played games with friends. When we reached the park, we were sent to keep our bags in one place and were asked to make a line. We first went to ride the cable car which we enjoyed a lot. Secondly, we took a ride in the flying eagle. This ride was amazing. Then we clicked some group photos with our teachers. We then sat in a circle to have our lunch. We shared our food and enjoyed every single dish my friends had brought. After lunch, we went to dance for some time. We were enjoying the moment and were sad to know that it was almost time to return back to school. Although we didn't get much time to play in the park, but were beyond happy with the little time we had. I realized that the best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. I would like to end my article with a quote:

                 "Enjoy the simple moments of your life because

            in the future these moments may turn out to be the

            biggest memories of your life."

    -Written by Bhavyasree Janka (VI A)

    There is no path to happiness , happiness is the path 

                     ཨོཾ་ མ་ ཎི་ པ་ ད ྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ

Seeking the blessings through the above mentioned prayer and from the title itself. We

must perch in imbibing the basic , yet the most consequential component of our life -

“happiness” easier said than executed .

Have we ever asked these three basic questions , to the people around us ...?

(i) Are you having a good day ?

(ii) If you are having a good day , why are you having a good day and vice versa

(iii) Tomorrow, would rather have a good day or bad one ?

The last one is probably , the easiest one to answer . Since this is all we seek for in

the heart of hearts . As long as our reasons as to why we must have a good day is

limited on the external condition than we’re not going to achieve the ‘Stability’ of


Hence , happiness is all in our minds. This is where the role of meditation takes

place. It is mental action of concentration on a peaceful positive state of mind .

So why don’t we try it now ??

By breathing out any mental agitation or unhappiness and by breathing in the true

oxidation of life . We will allow the clear bright light which is essential for our entire

body and soul.

"Much of the time , our mind is like a balloon in the wind blown here and there, by the external circumstances "
Therefore, if we train our mind properly happiness will be the result .

-by Miss Puja Singh (PRT English Teacher)

               The Austrian Painter

A man with a bright heart,

On the way to join art…,

But a bad destiny had landed him nowhere.

Because he has been kicked out of school,

For a person named Steven Gradwere.

He had joined the army...

To use the German’s armory.

He fought hard

To win Germany’s heart.

In the end

When the chaos was to blend;

His heart melts on animals

As he loved the mammals.

He loses the war

But he wanted German to be the star

As he pulled the Nazi in front of Axis Power.

Can you name The Painter?

  -Composed by Sadhaya Samanta (VIII)


                             Hebron Cricket Cup - Battle on the pitch

Hebron School recently played host to an exhilarating cricket spectacle as schools from the region converged for the highly anticipated Hebron Cricket Cup held from December 5 to December 18 . Guided by Referees and the Umpire Association,the matches unfolded with a perfect blend of skill, strategy and enthusiasm. Beyond merely a contest of athleticism, the Hebron Cricket Cup became a platform for fostering camaraderie and healthy competition among the participating schools. Each team representing their respective schools demonstrated exemplary sportsmanship, creating an environment where the true spirit of cricket thrived.
The cricket ground reverberated with cheers and anticipation as every team, throughout the competition, had left nothing on the field.Their dedication and unwavering efforts were evident in every ball bowled, every run scored and every catch attempted.
The final match between Hebron School and G.D Goenka  proved to be a captivating showdown with outstanding performances from players of both sides. Hebron School showcased exceptional teamwork, excelling in batting,bowling and fielding.Conversely,G.D Goenka demonstrated resilience and determination contributing to a contest that held the audience in rapt attention. Hebron School emerged triumphant,clinging the Hebron cricket Cup with their stellar performance and the culmination of weeks of dedication,practice and strategic planning.
Hebron Cricket Cup stood as a testament to the sporting spirit and talent prevalent in the students .The tournament not only celebrated cricket but also sowed the seeds for future sporting endeavours, leaving an indelible mark on the broader cricketing community. We are indebted to the school management and sports teachers for giving our school such an opportunity!

                                                                                                               - Mr. Ankur  Gupta (XI Humanities)

                             Sports Day Spectacle : A Triumph of Talent and Team Spirit

Every school community looks forward to sports day, a celebration of athleticism, teamwork, and sportsmanship.This day promotes healthy competition in addition to showcasing the participants' physical prowess.Having recognized its importance, Hebron School organized a celebration on December 1st and 2nd, inviting our parents as special guests. The day began with a lively opening ceremony that featured the school flag being unfurled and a rhythmic drum beat that created an energizing environment.Pupils wearing dignified attire marched together, exemplifying the values of harmony and sportsmanship.
A variety of sporting events that catered to a wide range of interests and abilities took place throughout the day.The friendly rivalry between the many teams and classes, which fosters a healthy competitive spirit, is one of the highlights of Sports Day.An exhilarating atmosphere was generated by the cheers of the parents, instructors, and other kids.The day continued with a variety of activities and competitions between kids from various classes, as well as between instructors and support personnel.Because we knew that this would be a long and demanding day, the school also put up coffee shops and pizza stands for us.
The day came to an unforgettable end with the closing ceremony as the sun sank.To honor the competitors' exceptional efforts, medals and diplomas were given out.Sports are not just about winning or losing; they're also about teaching virtues like self-control, tenacity, and cooperation as well as how to overcome obstacles.The athletes leave behind a legacy of sportsmanship that will be felt throughout the academic year as they scatter with memories of victories and setbacks.
                                                                "Champions keep playing until they get it right."

                                                                                                           -Mr. Raj Sharma ( XI Science)


   The true value of Christmas: Beyond Presents and Decorations

     "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, 

  that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 

        John 3:16

Christmas boasts a rich history spanning centuries, rooted in various traditions from around the world. While the exact date of Jesus Christ's birth remains uncertain, December 25th has been widely adopted as the symbolic day to commemorate this momentous event in Christianity. Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth, is also referred to as the Nazarene. Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who transcended in the form of man, showcasing the immense love of God Almighty towards humanity. He sent his one and only son to fulfill the prophecy foretold by prophets centuries before Christ's birth – a prophecy that he would sacrifice his life for the sins of mankind. His divine blood washes away our sins, requiring only belief in him. The birth of Jesus Christ holds great significance in our lives, providing encouragement to seek the kingdom of God and live righteously, as he did when he was in the world. He has taught us the true meanings of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Over time, Christmas has evolved to encompass a blend of religious, cultural, and secular traditions, creating a tapestry of festivities that transcends borders. However, the significance of Christmas is fading. We have replaced the truth of Christ with our own fantasies. Houses, streets, and churches are beautifully adorned with lights, stars, and red and white colors. Santa delights both young and old with gifts and sweets.

Dining halls echo with laughter and the clinking of glasses filled with wine. In all these, are we not forgetting Christ? Santa has stolen the spotlight, pushing Christ aside. It is time to reevaluate and recalibrate our lives, following the teachings of Christ, with love, peace, and joy in mind. Let us not be too noisy with words but demonstrate these values through our actions, as taught to us. Let us clean and decorate our hearts to welcome Christ this Christmas because he is the one and only.

Christmas is more than just a day on the calendar; it is a celebration of love, joy, and the beauty of shared traditions. It brings people together, transcending cultural and religious boundaries to create a tapestry of unity and goodwill. As we exchange gifts, indulge in festive treats, and gather with loved ones, let us embrace the true magic of Christmas – the spirit of generosity, compassion, and the joy found in giving and receiving. May the season fill our hearts with warmth and our homes with the timeless enchantment of Christmas.

-Ms. Pranita Raj Gurung (PGT Biology Teacher)

সারথি দিবস

সারথি কে? সারথি ‘মহাভারত’ মহাকাব্যে ব্যবহৃত হিন্দু দেবতা শ্রীকৃষ্ণের উপাধি। আমাদের

বিদ্যালয়ের  সারথি হল যে বা যারা আমাদের বিদ্যালয় এবং সকল শিক্ষার্থীর ভালোভাবে দেখভাল

করে। যখন কোন শিক্ষার্থী প্রথম বাড়ি থেকে বের হয়ে স্কুল বাসে ওঠে স্কুলে আসার জন্য, তখন

বাসে ড্রাইভার , খালাসি আর একজন দিদি সব সময় তৈরি থাকে তাদেরকে সব ভাবে সাহায্য করতে।

এরপর স্কুল ক্যাম্পাসে ঢুকতেই স্কুল গার্ড সবাইকে সাহায্য করে। আমাদের স্কুল ক্যাম্পাসের

সমস্ত দিদিরা তৈরি থাকে সকলকে সাহায্য করতে। যেমন কোনো শিক্ষার্থী যদি তার ভারী ব্যাগ

দোতলায় নিয়ে যেতে অসমর্থ্য হয় তবে দিদি সে ব্যাগ তার ক্লাস অবধি পৌঁছে দিয়ে আসে। আবার

খেতে খেতে যদি তাদের খাবার ক্লাসের মেঝেতে পড়ে যায় দিদি তাড়াতাড়ি সেই খাবার পরিষ্কার করে

সাফ করে দেয়। আবার নিয়ম মাফিক প্রতিদিন দুবেলা প্রতিটি টয়লেটকে দিদিরা পরিচ্ছন্ন করে রাখে।

তাই এই সকল সারথিদের জন্য আমাদের সব সময় কৃতজ্ঞ থাকা উচিত কারণ এরা না থাকলে

আমাদের স্কুল এত ভালোভাবে এত সুন্দর ভাবে চলতে পারত না। শ্রীকৃষ্ণ যেভাবে কুরুক্ষেত্রের

যুদ্ধে অর্জুনকে সাহায্য দান করে গেছে ঠিক তেমনি আমাদের এই সকল সারথি আমাদের স্কুলের

প্রতিটি ক্ষেত্রেই সাহায্য দান করে চলেছে। আর তাদের এই সাহায্যকে কেবলমাত্র কিছু অর্থ দিয়ে

কখনই বিচার করা যাবে না, কারণ তারা যে পরিমাণে কষ্ট করে তা সত্যিই অতুলনীয়। সমস্ত স্কুলের

পক্ষ থেকে সকল সারথিকে আমি অসংখ্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ জানাই।

-Mrs Sumitra Das (TGT Bengali Teacher)


  Hebron School's Inaugural Battle of Bands:A Melodic Triumph for Musical Expression

Music, an intrinsic part of our lives, brings boundless joy and resonates in the deepest recesses of the soul. Shakespeare's timeless words, "If music be the food of love, play on," underscore its profound influence on our existence. Recognizing its significance, Hebron School in New Rangia orchestrated an unforgettable event - The Battle of Bands on November 2, 2023, inviting twelve schools to showcase their musical prowess.

Mr. Savio John, an illustrious musician, songwriter, and guitarist, and Mr. Uday Iyer, the iconic voice behind the mesmerizing song "Tandav," graced the event as the esteemed jury members. Their expertise and discernment added immense value to the electrifying performances that ensued.

The stage throbbed with energy as each of the nine participating schools unleashed their musical talents, captivating the audience and stirring emotions with their melodies. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation and excitement throughout the competition.

After a riveting display of musical finesse, the winners emerged:

The Battle of Bands served as more than just a competition; it stood as a catalyst, inspiring young talents to forge stronger connections with music. Such platforms not only encourage performance excellence but also foster a profound appreciation for the art form among the younger generation.

Hebron School remains committed to nurturing musical talent and aims to continue organizing events that celebrate and elevate musical expression among youth. The hope is to inspire and perpetuate the significance of music in their lives.

This event undoubtedly reiterated the power of music to unite, uplift, and ignite passion, leaving an indelible mark on all those who were fortunate enough to witness its magic.

                                                                                                                         -Ms. Sonali Dey  ( XI Commerce student)

            Mastering Productivity:The Battle Between Procrastination and                                Consistency     
In the fast-paced world we live in, the struggle between procrastination and consistency has become a universal challenge. As individuals navigate the demands of work, personal goals, and daily responsibilities, understanding the dynamics of these two opposing forces is crucial for achieving long-term success.
The allure of immediate pleasure, fear of failure, and a lack of motivation contribute to the procrastination puzzle. Understanding that procrastination is a complex interplay of emotions and cognitive biases is the first step toward overcoming its grip. To conquer procrastination, individuals must adopt effective strategies that address its underlying causes. Setting clear goals, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and creating a conducive work environment are  some proven methods. Additionally, embracing the Pomodoro Technique, which involves focused work intervals punctuated by short breaks, can enhance concentration and combat procrastination.
On the flip side, consistency emerges as the unsung hero of productivity. Consistency is the steady commitment to daily habits and routines that propel individuals toward their goals. Unlike the intermittent bursts of effort associated with procrastination, consistency builds momentum over time, fostering sustainable progress.
Developing consistency requires intentional efforts and the establishment of positive habits. Creating a realistic and achievable routine, prioritizing tasks, and leveraging tools such as habit-tracking apps can aid in building a foundation of consistency. Small, incremental steps taken consistently lead to significant accomplishments in the long run.
In the perpetual battle between procrastination and consistency, the key to success lies in self-awareness and intentional action. By unraveling the complexities of procrastination, implementing strategies to foster consistency, and finding a harmonious balance between the two, individuals can navigate the path to increased productivity and personal fulfillment. Remember, it's not about eradicating procrastination entirely but learning to manage it in a way that propels you forward consistently.

                                                                                                                                  -   Mrs. Manorama Rai  (PGT English Teacher)


अवसर खो मत देना 

बड़ी ही मुश्किल से मिलते है जीवन में एक बार 

सारी ताकत झोंक देना तू आज 

सुनहरे सपने होते है ख्वाबों में 

पूरे करने का हुनर भी रखना अपने पास l

माटी से बना शरीर है अपना

अहंकार में समय व्यतीत न करना 

हर कठिनाई को हंसकर पार करने की 

अटल विश्वाश अपने पास रखना l

हर मुश्किल एक इम्तिहान है 

संघर्ष करके स्वयं को अव्वल रखना 

परेशानी सदा ही एक अवसर लाती है 

उस अवसर को खो मत देना l

                                                  Composed By : Mrs. Dipika Pradhan (TGT Hindi Teacher)

                       Take me back to childhood!   

On the occasion of Children’s Day ( International Children's Day - 20th November) , the teachers at Hebron School, New Rangia came together to celebrate and appreciate our children on 21st November. Teachers dedicated poetries, songs and speeches to express how precious each and every one of our student is! The innocent and happy faces lightened up when they witnessed their teachers grooving to their favorite songs. 

Our kindergarten students were the stars of the show as they outshined everyone with their traditional attires.

The young audience couldn’t hold their excitement when they saw their teachers carrying school bags on stage, perfectly imitating the students. It was indeed a sight to see our students happily relating themselves with the skit. The ‘joy of doing’ is no less a celebration in itself as our middle school and high school students picked up their paint brushes and showed their artistic sides and colored T-shirts, along with lot of art work.

The jubilation, gratitude and happiness knew no bounds. ‘The little thing in life isn’t so little’ and this celebration was a reminder to retain and acknowledge the innocence, purity of hearts and the ever-learning spirit. 

                                                                                               Ms. Kajal Thami (PGT History Teacher)

In the garden of youth where memories bloom, Childhood whispers in the quiet room. Laughter like petals, bright and carefree, A dance of innocence, pure and free.

Underneath the old oak tree's embrace, Childhood dreams find a secret space. Imagination's wings spread wide, In the world of make-believe, we confide.

Crayon masterpieces on the refrigerator door,
Moments cherished, forevermore.
Hide-and-seek with the fading sun,
"Childhood's magic, a treasure won.

As the years march on, a wistful song, In the heart's gallery, the echoes belong.
For in every grown soul, a child's delight, Forever aglow in the soft twilight.

So let us remember, in the rush of the years, The enchantment of laughter, the shedding of tears. For in every grown heart, a child still plays, In the echoes of childhood, eternal stays.

                          Composed by: Master Ankur Gupta (Class XI Humanities student)

These verses are dedicated to our students. This poem shows the relationship of the potter with its clay and how important it is to have a character and shape to be important and useful.

With the sun rose the potter,

bundling the heap of clay he had

the potter smiled at it,

moving it with his nourishing hands.

Mounding and shaping

with soft but strong hands

the clay complained,

"potter, why do you disturb our band?"

The potter smiled and said,

"this will give you shape"

round and round the wheel goes

and there, waves the clay.

Beautiful but angry they stood,

with spinning heads at bay

"Potter, why give us shape and

put our head on spin?"

The potter replied, now you are a character,

and in your life you win.

At last came a day,

when a woman came to look for pots.

she knocked and poked

to look for her knots.

Choosing the best one,

she nodded at the potter.

The other pots looked at her

bidding goodbye to their brother.

Today I stand here, 

looking at you standing tall.

Just like the potter stood,

looking at his perfect little pots.

Composed by: Ms. Deepa Dey ( TGT  Social Teacher)




I once had a lovely dream

I saw a crown which shined and gleamed.

worn by Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi

it looked beautiful and fancy.

She called out my name and said

"Nathan, make it your aim,

to serve your glorious nation

with pride and lots of devotion."

"I am just an ordinary boy"

was my honest reply,

with much detail she explained to me

"Service to this nation is your destiny."

Lead a disciplined life and join the army

and protect your country from the enemy.

tread on the path of bravery that I have set

be brave and never fret!

By Nathan Lal (VI B)



I lost a key at my house,

I tried to look for it on the ground,

but oh! I didn't find it.

I looked under the bed.

but still could not find it.

I thought over and over.

I still had no clue.

So I was tired and

went back to my room.

I looked for it everywhere.

I thought I found something.

but it wasn't the key.

At last, I thought of giving up the search.

Then I remembered to look for it in my shirt.

and guess what I found?

It was the key.

and I felt so relieved.

By Tansih Chhetry (VI A)



School is the place where I go to study.

If I don't listen in class, maam will scold me.

My teacher is very kind and sweet to me.

but gets very angry when I forget my copy.

My friends are very kind and loving.

They've taught me that sharing is caring.

There are playgrounds for playing.

classroom for studying,

and a library for reading new books.

School is indeed my favorite place to be.

By Anwesha Mandal and Suvashree Das (VI B)



Friendship is one of the most beautiful feelings that enters our lives and shapes us into better versions of ourselves. Our friends are the people we can love and trust the most, after our family. Friends genuinely know more about our secrets than our family does. Someone who can relate to us even when we are at a loss for words or feelings is a wonderful friend. Even when it appears like everything is against us, they still have faith in us.

 Finding a good friend who supports our personal growth and keeps us apart from all the negative things that occasionally try to entice us is consequently difficult. A strong ship that helps in sailing the sea of life is friendship. Everyone needs a true friend that they can trust with their life. They'll assist us in creating an amazing collection of memories that will last a lifetime.

By Aleesha Babu (VI B)



I believe that life is indeed a paradox. A synthesis of every contradiction conceivable; joy and misery, sunshine and rain, happiness and despair, success and failure. Before we even start to trust ourselves and our journey of life, we often get intimidated by our overwhelming thoughts about the insurmountable challenges that seem impossible for us to achieve and conquer. 

We fail to realize that we are still a work in progress, with flaws and imperfections. But it is these foibles and infirmities that enable us to grow, develop, and evolve into better humans in the days to come.

I consider life to be a test. We don't always succeed. There are days when we feel like we're on top of the world, and there are days when we reach our lowest point and have to endure the excruciating agony of failing. There isn't a single person that romanticizes failure. All of us want to succeed and achieve our goals. However, we frequently overlook the fact that failure is an essential component of personal development. It is during these moments that we grow, evolve,and learn from our mistakes. 

Every day we wake up and give it our all; study diligently, and become consumed with our goals of getting the best score or making it to the finals, only to fall short. We take a step back and consider whether the rest of our life is destined for failure. Our losses often leave us feeling so defeated that we lack the willpower to make another effort. We surrender far too easily. We become engulfed by our mistakes and we lose sight of our strength. We allow failures to prevent us from pursuing the things we love and excel in. Gold has to undergo trial in a flaming furnace to reveal its purest form, likewise, we must endure hardships and failures to emerge as more resilient and courageous versions of ourselves. 

Most individuals fear failing. However, if you have failed in life and you are still trying, you have to acknowledge that this is the best thing that has ever happened to you because it indicates that even in the face of adversity, you decided to get back up and try again. And what bigger payoff could that possibly be? A setback should always make us comeback strong. 

The sky is your only limit. So fall down seven times, stand up eighth!

                      By Sharon Lepcha (English Teacher)



Teacher's Day Celebration

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a prominent educator and statesman who made important contributions to the development of India's educational system. As a result of his exceptional career in education, September 5 is designated as the day to recognize and honor teachers' contributions.

Hebron School observed this day with great fervor this year. The 12th graders planned and carried out a thank-you party for our dear teachers. As a gesture of  honoring the teachers, students in the 12th grade dressed up like teachers and performed speeches, poems, songs, and dance to cheer our teachers. We welcomed their presence in our program by adorning them with shawls and roses were also given as tokens of appreciation. Because of the great role they play in a student's entire life with wisdom, patience, and love, teachers are so important in the lives of students. We remain eternally grateful to them for guiding and helping us on our journey.

" A Teacher affects eternity;
he can never tell where his influence stops."

By  - Sonali Dey XI  (Commerce)

Poetry Section

You are a Teacher of Mine

You are a teacher of mine.

a mover and shaker

Every new day, I see your face glitter.

It makes me happy, and everything seems better.

You teach us when you are tired.

that always keeps me inspired.

Teaching is your passion, and you do it so right.

You are indeed a blessing in disguise.

With your help, I'll be a winner.

My ray of hope and my go-getter.

                              By Rupantika Sarkar (IX)


To move forward

To move forward, remove your fear.

increase your affection

towards loved ones and near.

To move forward, do not hide.

don't think of leaves.

which are dried.

To move forward, think of God.

think of works which are new

not all, which are 

pending and dew.

To move forward, open your eyes.

Don't you ever kill your 

dreams and die.

To move forward, remove your fear.

increase your affection

towards loved ones and near.

      By Arka Sen ( XII Humanities)

Short Story

            The Sad Clown Paradox

Here is how the story goes: A man once visited a doctor, saying he felt tired and depressed and asking for a remedy. The doctor claimed his treatment was simple: "Great Clown Pagliaccio is in town tonight. Go and see him; he should pick you up!"

Upon hearing this, however, the man burst into tears and said, "But doctor, I am Pagliaccio."

The sad clown paradox is a contradictory relationship between humor and mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. These individuals often feel lonely and isolated, even in social settings. They may also deal with low self-esteem issues. The constant need for approval and attention from their peers is crucial to their perceived stability, and they are often perpetually anxious about falling out of popularity. The effort put into maintaining their perceived popularity frequently leaves them exhausted, making them more vulnerable to other mental conditions.

There is also a common trend among these performers, most coming from disjointed familial settings, characterized by family animosity. These environments during childhood are often stressful for these people, leading them to cope with the resulting negative emotions using humor, long into adulthood.

  By Prapti Barua ( XII Commerce)


Investiture Ceremony

An investiture ceremony is a significant event where capable students are honored and entrusted with the authority to lead and represent their respective roles. The investiture ceremony was organized at Hebron School, Shivmandir, on August 1, 2023.  Our Honorable Director Mr. Moncy Mammen, addressed the students, emphasizing the importance of leadership and invested power and gave charge to the student council to be student leaders. 

The student leaders were then individually invited to the podium to receive their badges and sashes from esteemed guests. Standing tall with pride, the designated leaders pledged to uphold the school's core principles.

By- Ankur Gupta XI (Humanities)

                                              76th Independence Day Celebration

India's attainment of freedom was a watershed moment in its history. Additionally, it represented a turning point in British history as it signaled the end of two centuries of British dominance in the world.
Our school enthusiastically and joyfully commemorated this achievement. Our school's Principal Ma'am, gave a motivational speech, and our teachers entertained us with wonderful music. The numerous performances by students from our school that underlined the worth of fought-for freedom and contributed to the well being of the country particularly captured our attention.
Over the past 76 years, all Indians have celebrated the valiant battles and huge sacrifices made by our nation. We must never forget to respect their selfless services and promise to behave responsibly for the benefit of the country.

                                                                           “ A country’s greatness lies in its undying ideals of love and sacrifice - That inspires the mothers of race”

      By - Raj Sharma   (XI  Science)

The Hebron Football Cup 2023 

The Hebron Football Cup was held at Hebron School in New Rangia with the intention of bringing together children from various regions to display their football talent and prowess.

 The Hebron Football Cup 2023 got underway on August 16 and concluded on August 31 with the championship match. At this event, students from various schools took part. There were 16 teams in total who signed up to play in this competition. 

Mahbert High School defeated D.P.S. Siliguri in the decisive game, and it went on to win the tournament. All sixteen teams that took part in the HFC 2023 are gratefully acknowledged and thanked by Hebron School, New Rangia. The competition was fun for us to host, and we hope to see everyone again the following year.                             

By- Shalviya Grace Stephen (Class IX)