Hebron Mennonite Church

We are a community that believes in Jesus’ 

call to love and welcome all people.

Sunday Worship

In-Person & Online

 10:00 am Worship

11:15 am Fellowship 

11:30 am Second Hour

(Children's classes and adult discussion.) 

Welcome Statement

We are enriched by diversity in race, ethnicity, religious background, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental ability, and socioeconomic situation. 

We welcome people with diverse viewpoints, believing that our congregation is called to embrace and learn from one another.

Our Mission Statement

"A Place of Refuge"

Our mission is to practice and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to invite people into a growing relationship with God and the church.

 13315 Highlane Street

Hagerstown, Maryland 21742

 Phone (301) 797-3697