Student Page

Teacher Schedule

1st period: 7th Advanced English

2nd period: Conference

3rd period: 7th Advanced English

4th period: 7th Advanced English

5th period: 7th Advanced English

6th period: 8th On Level English

7th period: 7th Advanced English



7:45 am- 8:15 am

3:35pm- 3:45 pm

*check in with teacher before scheduling!

Conference Time

9:20 am- 10:15 am

Classroom Supplies

Each student should bring a bound spiral notebook or composition book for personal notes an writing drafts.

Students should have a folder or a binder for all classes to contain loose papers and notes.

Other optional supplies to donate to the classroom*

*If you want your child to have their own set of markers or stick glue, that is recommended as well!

If you are in Advanced Academics, you must fill out the AA contract that stipulates maintaining an average of 74 or above with the possiblility of moving to On-Level English if expectations are not met.  This will be linked for the 2024-25 school year once it has started. 

BJH Bell Schedule 23-24.docx.pdf