EJH Counseling and Guidance
Welcome to the Euless Junior High Counselors' Site!
The mission of the Department of Counseling, Guidance, and Student Services is to provide the school counselors of HEB ISD with the necessary resources to help each student discover individual strengths and needs, to help students overcome barriers to learning, and to help all students plan and prepare for the future.
If you have a specific question for your student's counselor, see the email links or phone numbers below. We can also be reached by phone through the main school office at 817-354-3340.
Niesha Hayes, M. Ed., LPC-Assoc., sup by Dr. Carole Gilmore - Students A-I - NieshaHayes@hebisd.edu or 817-399-3828
Students - Want to see what grade you need to get to pass that class or bump up your GPA? Click on the red button below for a grade calculator.
Interested in going to college or a technical school after high school? If so, check out the Google Form to the left and consider signing up for TRIO! It's an awesome program where you will learn about colleges, meet new friends, and learn a little about yourself in the process!
Scan the QR code to the left!
Technology HELP!!!
See below for helps with all things technology-related
Parents! Would you like to be able to see what your student is working on in each class? See their assignments, calendars, class notes, etc? You can see your student's CANVAS by following the directions shown above. If you have any concerns, please email the teacher.
While it is important that a student's conversations with a school counselor be kept confidential, confidentiality does have its limitations. According to the American School Counselor Association's Ethical Standards for School Counselors, counselors must "keep information confidential unless legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed or a breach is required to prevent serious and foreseeable harm to the student."(American School Counselor Association [ASCA], 2010).
The most frequent type of breaches include a student verbalizing the following:
1. Verbal, Physical or Sexual Abuse
2. Neglect
3. A desire to harm him/herself
4. A desire to harm someone else
5. An unreported sexual assault
Reference:American School Counselor Association. Ethical Standards for School Counselors. American School Counselor Association, n.d.Web. 19 March 2013 <http://www.counselors.k12.sd.us/ethics.html>