Health Screening
Throughout the school year all students new to our district, all 7th grade students and all 8th grade boys will receive a health screening as mandated by State Law. In addition, 9th graders will be screened for Blood Pressure, height and weight in an effort to help students maintain optimum health.
Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions. Parents will be notified ASAP when screening results reveal a concern indicating a need for further evaluation.
Several state mandated screenings are completed for 7th Grade. All 7th graders are screened for hearing, vision, Acanthosis, height, weight and blood pressure. In addition, Spinal Screening is now required for all 7th grade girls. Screening for 7th grade girls must be completed during the Fall semester. Boys may be screened in the Spring semester.
8th GRADE:
Spinal screening is now State Mandated for all 8th grade boys. This will completed during the Fall semester.
9th GRADE:
There are currently no mandated screenings for 9th grade students.
Students New to HED ISD:
All students new to HEB ISD will be screened for hearing, vision, height, weight and blood pressure, plus any grade appropriate mandated screening such as Acanthosis and Spinal.
Parents will be notified of any results requiring further evaluation or treatment. It is our desire that all students are healthy and capable of learning to their maximum potential for educational success.