Offline Application Form

If you are unable to fill out and submit the online form, you can read the form here. Please be sure to read all of the application instructions and the workshop description before applying to be sure that this workshop is right for you. Submit your replies to the questions as inline text in an email and please attach your resume and essay (see details below.) Copy the questions and submit it in an email to: This completed application is due on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 by 11:59PM EDT.

Notifications will be sent by email only to all applicants Friday, March 25, 2022. Please be sure to provide a reliable email address. If you should change your email address after submitting your application, notify HMWF at: with your full name and new email address. Applications sent to the NEH or any other email address will not be considered.

I. Application Form

What is your email address?

  1. How did you find out about the workshop? Colleague, school district, state curriculum specialist, NEH email/website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, other______

  2. First name:

  3. Last name:

  4. Name of current school or organization of employment:

  5. What is you current job title (teacher, museum educator, administrator, school/museum staff, paraeducator, other-explain):

  6. City or Census Designated Place of employment

  7. State OR Census Designated Place of current school or organization of employment

  8. Can your school be described by any of the following? Select all that apply or check "none apply."

  • Public school

  • A public magnet school or a school with a special program emphasis, e.g., science/mathematics school, performing arts school, talented/gifted school, foreign language immersion school

  • Special education school: primarily serves students with disabilities

  • Alternative school: offers a curriculum designed to provide alternative or nontraditional education, not clearly categorized as regular, special, or vocational education

  • Private independent school

  • Private religiously-affiliated school

  • Independent charter school

  • Charter school administered by local school district

  • Department of Defense school

  • Tribal school

  • None apply Explain: _______________________

  1. How would you describe the location of your school or organization rural, suburban or urban? (answer one)

  2. How many students are served by your school or organization ?

  3. What are the demographics of students? (Approximate percentages: African American/Black, American Indian/Indigenous, Asian American, Hispanic/Latinx, White)

  4. What are the demographics of teachers? (Approximate percentages: African American/Black, American Indian/Indigenous, Asian American, Hispanic/Latinx, White)

  5. During this school year, about what percentage of students in your school was eligible to receive a free or reduced-price lunch through the National School Lunch Program?

  • 0%

  • 1-5%

  • 6-10%

  • 11-25%

  • 26-34%

  • 35-50%

  • 51-75%

  • 76-99%

  • 100%

  • Unsure

  1. During this school year, about what percentage of students in your school participated in English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)?

  • 0%

  • 1-5%

  • 6-10%

  • 11-25%

  • 26-34%

  • 35-50%

  • 51-75%

  • 76-99%

  • 100%

  • Unsure

  1. Students receiving special education services

  • 0%

  • 1-5%

  • 6-10%

  • 11-25%

  • 26-34%

  • 35-50%

  • 51-75%

  • 76-99%

  • 100%

  • Unsure

  1. What subject(s) do you teach (or outreach that you coordinate?):

  2. What grade level(s) do you teach? (List all):

  3. How man)y years have you been teaching/doing public outreach (indicate one response?

  • Have taught 0-3 years

  • Have taught 4 - 10 years

  • Have taught 11 - 19 years

  • 19+ years

  1. If you are in a leadership position (chair, lead teacher, district-level committee chair, curriculum development committee, etc.), please explain here.

  2. Have you participated in an NEH workshop before? Answer: Yes or No

  3. If you answered "yes" to the previous question, which workshops did you attend? Please also indicate the year of the workshop. If "no" please reply "NA."

  4. Which session do you prefer? Session I: June 19-24, 202 or Session II: July 24-29, 2021; Either session works for my schedule.

  5. Does your state require your school to teach Asian American History? Answer: Yes or No

  6. Does your state provide resources on teaching the history of the WWII Japanese American incarceration? Answer: Yes or No

  7. Are you a descendant of a WWII incarceration survivor (If “yes,” please explain in your essay)? Answer: Yes or No

  8. Are you a descendant of someone who lived and grew up near Heart Mountain (If “yes,” please explain in your essay)? Answer: Yes or No

  9. How familiar are you with the Heart Mountain site and history? Not at all/unfamiliar/familiar/extremely familiar (I have visited and toured the Heart Mountain Interpretive Center.)

  10. Would you be willing to share your vaccination status upon being accepted into the workshop? Answer: Yes or No

  11. Would you be willing to comply with all Wyoming State Health Department COVID-19 Requirements? Answer: Yes or No

II. Please submit your current resume (no longer than two pages) or bio (no longer than 150 words).

III. Essay: Please submit an application essay addressing the following: your professional background; your reasons for your interest in the subject of the workshop; experience that would contribute to the workshop; and how your participation in this workshop would be useful in your current classroom or educational setting. Please give specific examples to support your responses. (500 word limit)

Please understand that you will not be able to edit your responses once you have submitted them.