Product Design

Course: A Level Design & Technology Product Design

Exam Board: AQA

Primary Contact: Gemma Kidd

Entry Criteria: 5 GCSE grades 9-5, including English and Mathematics, and grade 5 in a GCSE Technology subject (or attend an interview).

DTVA video - For Product Design skip to 5:59

Key Information

Product Design involves creating innovative products that solve real world problems. Learning will be based around project work which allows you to apply your knowledge and create your own style and strategies as a designer. Projects are based on themes such as furniture, lighting, sports equipment or architecture and students are given the opportunity to base their work on personal interests and to respond to the challenges with their own ideas. As well as learning to respond to challenges creatively you will also build your technical knowledge of materials and manufacturing techniques.

Exams - 50%

Paper 1 : Technical principles 30%

Paper 2 : Designing and making principles 20%

Coursework - Design project 50%

Possible Career Paths

Product/ Industrial Designer



Technology sector jobs - Management

Creative industries

Complementary Courses

Art & Design

