Jobs Wanted Home

We specialize in Placement of Doctors across India.

[1] This JOBS WANTED section has been added recently to display Profiles of Doctors, who have been in touch with us recently & are / were looking for a suitable change. We have thousands of Profiles of Doctors in each speciality. These profiles are just a small sample.

[2] If you are a Healthcare Facility Owner / Manager, looking for Doctors of any speciality, you can send a message through Whatsapp to Mr Umesh Dhingra on

+91-9791936120 / 9840981731. You can also have a look at the Speciality Wise links below to view some of the profiles readily available with us.

[3] If you are a Doctor, looking for a suitable job change in any part of India, you can send your CV through whatsapp to +91-9791936120.


Jobs Wanted - Speciality-wise Index