Unit 5 - Exponential Functions

10 - Dec12 - Review of Exponential Functions - BLANK.pdf
10 - Dec12 - Review of Exponential Functions - Filled-In.pdf

Above is the review package from Tuesday, December 12. *Reminder that our unit test is this Thursday (Dec 14).*

9 - Dec11 - Comparing Mathematical Models - BLANK.pdf
9 - Dec11 - Comparing Mathematical Modelss - Filled-In.pdf

Above is the note for Monday, December 11.

8 - Dec8 - Graphs of Exponential Functions - BLANK.pdf
8 - Dec8 - Graphs of Exponential Functions - Filled-In.pdf

Above is the note for Friday, December 8th.

5 - Dec5 - Exponential Growth and Decay - BLANK.pdf
5 - Dec5 - Exponential Growth and Decay - Filled-In.pdf
7 - Dec7 - Exponential Models (Applications) - BLANK.pdf
7 - Dec7 - Exponential Models (Applications)s - Filled-In.pdf

Above are the notes for Wednesday, December 6th and Thursday, December 7th.

4 - Dec4 - Solving Exponential Equations - BLANK.pdf
4 - Dec4 - Solving Exponential Equations - Filled-In.pdf

Above is the note for Monday, December 4th.

3 - Dec1 - Rational Exponents - BLANK.pdf
3 - Dec1 - Rational Exponents - Filled-In.pdf

Above is the note for Friday, December 1st.

2 - Nov30 - Negative and Zero Exponent Rules - BLANK.pdf
2 - Nov30 - Zero and Negative Exponent Rules - Filled-In.pdf

Above is the note for Thursday, November 30.

1 - Nov29 - Exponent Rules - BLANK.pdf
1 - Nov29 - Exponent Rules - Filled-In.pdf

Above is the note for Wednesday, November 29.

0 - UNIT 5 - Exponential Functions - Unit Outline.pdf