
4/5 Orientation

Click here to take the library orientation challenge for 2019/20!

You can edit your answers after submitting. Try and get them all correct - the presentation is on the left if you need a refresher on something.

Click here! to add the app to your chromebook to run the spheros.

  1. Click on the link
  2. Click on Add to Chrome in the top right
  3. Click on Launch app after it downloads
  4. Click on Connect Robot from the bottom right and choose SPRK+ and then whichever sphero you want (the one with the most blue bars will be best)
  5. Choose Drive from the top right to start experimenting *move away from the group so someone doesn't connect to your sphero by mistake

Silver Birch Forest of Reading Crew

ROPS will be participating in the Forest of Reading this year. Two of our series will be the Silver Birch Fiction and Nonfiction books, which are just for junior grades. These are all Canadian authors and the books were carefully chosen. We only have one copy of each book, so if you join this crew, you must be committed to finishing the books in a week (or so) as there are 10 books in total to get through and hopefully lots of readers. If that sounds like too much, just wait - all these books will be a part of the library once the competition is over.

You can see the books and a brief description here - Fiction Nonfiction If you are interested in being a part of this crew, please see Mr. Johnston asap in the library (remember you can visit any day, first 25 minutes of the day) so we can start reading. I will add you to a spreadsheet to track our findings, and you are asked to report back with your thoughts on a finished book through a google form.

Fiction Nonfiction

We will vote later in the year on our favourite - you must read at least 5 books in either series (or both!) to vote.