"No-Tech" Daily Activities Ideas

Week 2 (April 13-17)

Monday April 13

Inside: What’s your favourite story? Can you draw a picture, write a sentence or tell someone about why it’s your favourite? What’s the best part?

Outside: Gather a bunch of sticks - how many letters of the alphabet can you make? Can you use the sticks to spell words? What’s the easiest letter to make this way?

Tuesday April 14

Inside: Any spare change lying around? Use a piece of paper and pencil, pencil crayon or crayon. Place the coins under the paper and lightly rub the pencil over top to reveal the detail on the coin. Can you identify all of the coins and their value? How much money do you have?

Outside: Tidy up time! Using a rake or a broom, tidy up an area where you live. Maybe it’s your yard or balcony or the sidewalk out front. Thanks for helping!

Wednesday April 15

Inside: Let’s make a sandwich. What’s your favourite sandwich? What goes in it? Draw, write or tell someone how to make it. Can you think of the steps in order?

Outside: Is there a bus stop in your neighbourhood? How much time does it take for you to walk or wheel to the stop from where you live?

Thursday April 16

Inside: Exercise time! Lying on your stomach, can you “swim” like a manta ray? On your back can you “float” with your arms and legs off the floor like an otter? What other animal exercises can you do?

Outside: Let’s wash the windows! You need a bucket of warm soapy water, a wet cloth and dry cloth. Find the windows you can reach - wash and then dry. Did you get in all of the corners? (you can always wash an outdoor toy or bike if windows are out of reach!)

Friday April 17

Inside: Go on a colour hunt! How many colours do you see in the room? Are some of the colours lighter or darker? Draw, write or tell about each colour you see.

Outside: What’s the weather like? What did you need to wear today to be comfortable outside? Would you switch, add or take off an item now you’ve moved around a bit? How would you dress for your favourite type of weather?

Week 1 (April 6-10)

Monday April 6

Inside: Fill a clear bin or jar with rice or pasta, add some small paper letters. Shake it up - can you find the letters and make or say a list of words that start with that letter?

Outside: Any clouds in the sky? What shapes do they remind you of? Would you like to live on a cloud? What do you think it would be like?

Tuesday April 7

Inside: Dish washing practice! Fill a sink with warm, soapy water. Can you clean and rinse your breakfast dishes? Can you help clean and rinse someone else’s? Make sure to get all of the soap off!

Outside: Roll or walk around your neighbourhood. How many trees or bushes can you count? Are they all the same or different?

Wednesday April 8

Inside: Set up a cookie sheet or bin with a piece of paper to line the bottom. Drip some paint on the paper - make patterns by: rolling a marble or toy car over the paint, using your fingers as brushes. Get messy! (then wash your hands:)

Outside: Measure with your hands! Measure the height and width of 5 things you can see outside using your hands.

Thursday April 9

Inside: Make salt dough! You need a bowl and spoon or sealable bag. In it add 1 cup flour, ½ cup salt, ½ cup water. Stir or knead the dough until it becomes soft and combined. How many shapes can you make? Seal it in a plastic bag or container when done.

Outside: Is the sun shining? Find your shadow. Which way to you need to move to make your shadow taller or smaller? Perhaps someone can trace it in chalk so you can compare.

Friday April 10

Inside: Let’s practice measuring and pouring! Gather a variety of measuring cups, spoons and scoops - can you find ½ cup, ⅓ cup, Tablespoon and teaspoon? What is the difference. Practice filling up and pouring into a bowl in the kitchen sink.

Outside: Go on a rock collecting hunt. How many different sizes, shapes and colours can you find? Are they bumpy or smooth? Which is your favourite and why?