Learning Skills

My Learning Skills Passport.docx

The Ontario Report Card has 6 Learning Skills that your child will continue to develop over the course of their education. They are assessed using various criteria outlined by the Ministry of Education and marked using the letter grades of E (excellent - demonstrates all the time, with no reminders), G (good - demonstrates most of the time with few reminders), S (satisfactory - demonstrates some of the time with several reminders), and N (needs improvement - rarely demonstrates and needs constant reminders).

The 6 Learning Skills are:


    • Fulfills responsibilities and commitments in the learning environment.

Independent Work

    • Independently completes tasks and meets goals without distracting others.


    • Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities and has a willingness to learn and try new things.


    • Establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals.


    • Responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others.


    • Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.


Throughout the year your child will bring home a Learning Skills Passport. On there, you will see a self-assessment on how your child felt they demonstrated each of the 6 Learning Skills, along with a teacher evaluation of what was demonstrated in class to all teachers. Throughout the course of the year families are encouraged to have a conversation with their child to see why they got the ‘mark’ that they did or why they gave him/herself the ‘mark’ they did. Should you have any questions about a particular week, feel free to contact me.