Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and Evaluation

Collection of Data:

Three ways I gather evidence for assessment is orally (conferencing with students), through observation (how are students participating in activities and discussions) and through written tasks/work products. The form of assessment that students bring home are written tasks and work products, however your child's marks are the result of all forms of collecting data.

Number and Letter Grades

Level 1 - D (ok!)

Level 2 - C (good)

Level 3 - B *this is the provincial standard or expectation (very good, great)

Level 4 - A (super, wow)

Stars and Arrows

A comment beside a star on your child's work indicates something your child did well.

A comment beside an arrow on your child's work indicates something that is a goal to work towards/to improve.


An "H" on your child's work indicates that he/she required assistance to complete their assignment.