My New School

Welcome to Silver Creek Public School!

Children learn as they play.  

Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn. 

 By O. Fred Donaldoson

First Day of School Information:

The Kindergarten Educators will be outside to greet the children at the gate of the fenced area and will lead them in to school on their first day of school. This is where they will be dropped off and picked up each day before and after school. 

School Hours 

  Entry Begins:   8:45 am

  School Begins:  9:00 am 

  1st Nutrition Break:    10:40 - 11:20

  2nd Nutrition Break:   1:00 -1:40

  Dismissal:  3:20 pm

NOTE: Children will only be dismissed to the parent(s) or caregiver that you note on the First Week Information FormIf your child's dismissal information changes during the year, please inform us in writing.

Nutrition Breaks

Each day there will be two nutrition breaks during which your child will have time to eat their lunch/snacks and go outside. What does this mean for you? Packing lunch bags will be important to ensure students know when to eat what? A suggestion would be to label or colour code morning and afternoon foods.  Also in kindergarten, opportunities  for eating happen all day long with a free flow snack.

We are a NUT FREE environment. This means no peanuts, tree nuts or nutella spread in your child's lunches or snacks. Thank you for helping us to keep our students safe.


If your child has or develops any medical conditions please let the school know immediately. We will give you medical paperwork to fill out to ensure we are all educated on your child's condition and needs.

Busing and Child Care

To find out if your child is eligible for busing please go to: 

 Halton Transportation Services.

Silver Creek PS has a YMCA program that provides before and after school care.  Call 416-456-7393 or email for further information. To get more information on Childcare in our area, check this link: 

Office Procedures

The HDSB Mobile App consolidates important information for parents/guardians and students into one easy-to-access location. Report absences, receive school and Board news, social media and calendars all in one place. Download the free app on the App Store or Google Play by searching “Halton District School Board” or “HDSB”.  

Student Absences & Lates

The HDSB uses the School Messenger system for the reporting of student absences or late arrivals, Download the School Messenger App or go to to report your child's absence. Student's must be signed in at the office when coming to school late and signed out at the office when they are leaving early.

School Contact Information

For further information or if you have any questions here is the school contact information:

Principal: Tanya Ferro 

Vice Principal: Sandra Oake-Hyde 

Senior Admin Assistant: Julie Marrows

If you have special education concerns regarding your child please contact our SERT:  Patti Stewart

School Communication

All school-wide communications is sent out via email. Please ensure that you have provided the school with a valid email address for receipt of school emails. If this email changes during the school year please notify the office and we will make the necessary updates.  A weekly email is sent out every Sunday with details of the coming week. You can also follow us on Twitter: @SCreekstorm  and on our school website: 

Silver Creek Public School Photo Gallery