Classroom Updates

Activites in the Classoom - daily weather check reading statistics, calendar work, language, math, gym, library, handwriting/penmanship, mindfulness, silent reading, social skills, environmental awareness, cooking, art, community walks, daily jobs, extra-curricular involvement, game skills, fine motor activities

Language - Our class program consists of daily reading in several different formats including: reading comprehension stories, Reading Milestones, guided reading, meal planning, mini science or environment research projects, social and functional communication. Soon we will be paired up with seniors from the retirement home on Martin Street. We will be walking there to practice reading and working on social skills.

Math- review of place value, addition/subtraction with regrouping, and word problems are the focus for the first term - word problems will include time and money to integrate those skills

Social Skills - many of our students integrate at lunch breaks and for gym class to build relationships outside of our classroom. Once a week we buddy up with a Gr. 7 class to further develop age appropriate social skills through games, crafts, and conversation.

Daily Living - Developing lifelong independent skills needs to begin at a young age. Our students are developing skills to prep food, cook, clean up after themselves, assemble office material, stock shelves, sort and manage recycling, assemble furniture, take care of plants and pets, do laundry and fold it, vacuum, sweep, clean tables and develop child care skills working in the kindergarten room.

Guinea Pig Care
Guinea Pig Litter Training
Guinea Pig Feeding