
Note: Using email is a great way for home/school communication. It's much quicker and more efficient than pen and paper. (


We are currently finishing up our Measurement Unit in Math. We have finished our Social Studies unit on Communities and Community Helpers and have almost completed our Important People unit. We have started our new Science unit on Materials and Structures and have started the planning process for our bridge building competition. Our Writer's Workshop continues to be focused on "Brainstorming Personal Ideas" and challenging students to write independently.

PA Day:

A reminder that Monday, April, 24th is a PA Day at Glenview and there will be no school for students.

Reading Levels:

We have completed our most recent reading "Levelled Bump-ups". Any level moves that were up or down will be reflected in our Monday home reading book exchange. Please keep in mind that there are multiple factors that go into student reading levels on top of the actual words being read, such as fluency and comprehension.

Home Reading (Green Duotangs):

Please remember to keep our green Home Reading duotangs safely in our zippy's and return them with their books every Monday so we can place new books into the plastic sleeves.


Library book exchanges will continue to be on Wednesday during period 2. Please remember to return student books to the school on Wednesday's so students can access new books weekly.