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About Hydrocarbon Unit

Hydrocarbon Unit was established in July 1999 in the form of a project titled "Strengthening of the Hydrocarbon Unit in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources" under grant financing from Norwegian Government. As there was lack of International standard expertise in the energy sector, an Institutional Co-operational Contract was signed between Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway and Hydrocarbon Unit (HCU) in the Energy and Mineral Resources Division. After successful completion of the first phase in December 2005, the second phase titled "Strengthening of the Hydrocarbon Unit (Phase-II)" in the Energy and Mineral Resources Division has been continuing since April 2006 and completed by the end of December 2013 being financed by the Royal Norwegian Government Grant and administered by Asian Development Bank.

Feeling the necessity of such activities in the first Phase, Government of Bangladesh has already set up HCU as a Permanent Footing in the Energy and Mineral Resources Division.Hydrocarbon Unit is conducting activities as a Technical Arm of Energy and Mineral Resources Division and in continuation of this Hydrocarbon Unit was put into permanent structure on 15 June  2008 within the organgram of Energy and Mineral Resources Division


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