Bus transportation begins on September 13th for PreK students
Providing bus transportation to PreK students is one of the services offered to the program in Hamburg Central School District. Transporting children by bus is both a privilege and a responsibility. The safety of your children is a prime concern for us and for Fisher Bus Company. We need your help and cooperation in order to assure safety for all children. Therefore, we have established the following:
Pupils will be picked up and delivered to home location. If the site needs to be changed, an alternate site form must be submitted as follows:
An alternate site form must be completed via Operoo. Alternate site forms are to be on a consistent basis only, 3 or more days a week. Once the alternate site request has been processed, Fisher Bus Service will contact parent/guardian with the busing information.
Placement in the AM or PM session of the PreK program is based on the residential address on file with the district. A delayed alternate site form could affect your child’s AM/PM placement and ultimately affect the ability to transport your child, causing the child’s transportation to become the responsibility of the parent.
Misbehavior on the bus will not be tolerated. Children must sit in their seats while the bus is in motion and reaches its final destination. Courtesy is expected between the bus driver and the bus rider. The bus driver will write up PreK children who do not comply with bus safety standards.
1 written warning = Teacher and bus driver speak to child
2 written warnings = two (2) day suspension from the bus
Parents will be notified in both instances.
An adult must be present to put children on or take off the bus. If an adult is not present, children will be returned to the school
Parents of three year-olds are responsible for securing and removing their child from the car seat on the bus.
Food may not be eaten on the bus.