This game is designed to be completed by high school students in a time frame of one class period (approximately 45 minutes).

Clues can be anywhere on any page, or on a linked resource. Click on all artifacts to see if they take you somewhere...words, pictures, puzzles. All types of clues are hidden within the depths of the site.

You will be working to unlock all the locks embedded in the Locks form which is on the next page of this site. Explore the site to help Senator Smith!

When you are ready to proceed, use the links in the menu header. Good luck and have fun!

P.S. The google locks form asks for an email address to help the teacher track which of her students have completed the mission. Email addresses from anyone outside this organization will not be sold or shared with any entity.

The designer welcomes constructive feedback on game play and navigability of the game at the email address listed above.

Copyright, 2019, Kellye S. Self

Most recent update: October, 2022

If you have questions about the game, you may contact the game designer, Kellye Self at