
Which electives are offered in the Social Studies Department? Students can request any electives in the HCPSS Course Catalog. Each school makes final decisions regarding electives based on enrollment.

Are there any other opportunities for students to learn about the electives?

  • The Social Studies Department will have an electives table set up outside of Room C136. The table will be set up on Thursday 12/15/2022. Students can stop by and pick up information regarding some of our course offerings.

  • The Social Studies Department will have a table at the school-wide Electives Fair scheduled for January 5, 2023 in the Gym.

Who should parents and/or students speak to regarding electives? Parents can email Ms. Mabrooka Chaudhry(Social Studies ITL) regarding all general inquiries at her email address: mabrooka_chaudhry@hcpss.org

Students are welcome to stop by and speak to any of the following teachers regarding specific electives that have run in the past three years.

AP Psychology: Mr. Jones or Mr. Krasilovsky

AP Micro/Macro Economics and Economics(semester course): Mr. Schmitz

AP Comparative Government and Politics: Mr. Detomo

Women's Studies: Ms. Shelley

Political Science: Ms. Shelley

Sociology: Mr. Johnson

AP European History: Mr. Abrahms

AP Human Geography: Ms. Tache

African American History: Mr. White

Law and the Citizen: Mr. Mitchell and Mr. White

AP Comparative.mp4