Class Expectations


  1. Conduct yourself professionally and treat others respectfully. FOLLOW ALL CLASS RULES AS WELL AS THOSE IN THE STUDENT AGENDA. There is a class rule list in the documentation for the course you are taking. There is a copy of the school policies on the Main West Henderson High School web site.
  2. Only visit websites approved by your teacher. Do not visit any sites unless they are from a pre-approved list or you have your teacher’s permission. Keep in mind that the county can track anywhere you go online. This includes cell phone use during class. These are TOOLS that can be used to help us in class. Please do not use them to distract yourself or others.
  3. Guard your personal information. Do not give personal information to other people. Do not post personal or identifying information online. Do not give out your passwords for e-book access or anything else!
  4. Do not use offensive or abusive language. Please do not talk over others. Raise your hand and wait your turn. This includes all-caps, name-calling, and abbreviations. If you would not say it to your grandmother, don’t say it online or in person.
  5. Always cite your sources. When you use text, images, or information found online, give people credit for their work if you use it.
  6. Mind your own business. Do not read other people’s email or private documents without permission. If you see another student has forgotten to log off, be courteous and log them out.
  7. Be NICE to each other. We are honored to share the same space with each other for 18 weeks. The person you call a "geek" today, may be your doctor or loan officer tomorrow. Trust me on this!!
  8. Report abuse. If you are cyber-stalked, threatened, or bullied online or at school, report it to your teacher. If you notice any classmates behaving inappropriately, it is your responsibility to report it.
  9. Use proper English. Make sure that you always follow proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules. If you sound smart, people will think you are.
  10. When in doubt, don’t do it or ask permission. If you suspect you may offend someone, don’t say it. If you are not sure about the site you are viewing, ask your teacher.