Hendersonville Middle School Band

Welcome to the Hendersonville Middle School Band website!

*Use the links at the top to access class reminders and helpful information*

Beginner Band Information

We are presently organizing our beginning sixth grade band class for next year. We want to give all students the opportunity to be a part of the band.

Instruments available are Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone and Mallet Percussion. Band students traditionally start on these instruments, and later as aptitude and talent develop they can choose to be moved to another instrument (double reeds, saxophone, French horn, tuba, etc.) or remain with their first choice.

Students may rent an instrument through Music and Arts or Tempo Music on Main Street here in Hendersonville. If you already own an instrument, you can use it. If you need it inspected, you may take it to Tempo.

There will be a sign-up meeting on Monday, May 13th in the Hendersonville Middle School cafeteria either at 4:00 pm or 7:00 pm. You are welcome to attend the sign up that is most convenient for you and your student.

Band Flier 2019

Class Schedule

6th Grade Band 8:05-8:45

8th Grade Band 9:10-9:50

7th Grade Band 10:15-10:55

1st Exploratory 11:20-12:05

2nd Exploratory 12:05-12:55

COntact information

Phone: (828) 697-4800