HCPS Career Center

Middle School Career Center

HCPS Middle School Career Counseling Center Mission

Hanover County Middle School Career Counseling Center focuses on the process of learning about oneself and the world of work. Parents and students will have the opportunity to identify potential careers pathways and utilize resources to help develop a plan of action with future planning.

Bell Creek Middle School

Chickahominy Middle School 

Liberty Middle School

Oak Knoll Middle School 

Bell Creek Middle School Logo

Mondays, Tuesdays, & alternating Fridays 

Chickahominy Middle School

Wednesdays, Thursdays, & alternating Fridays

Liberty Middle School

Mondays, Tuesdays, & alternating Fridays 

Oak Knoll Middle School

Wednesdays, Thursdays, & alternating Fridays

"Research has identified middle school as a time when students can benefit the most from career exploration. In addition middle schoolers’ brains are receptive to developing the competencies known as 21st-century skills, non-cognitive skills, and soft skills for employability."

                                                                                                                                                                 ACTE (2022) Career Exploration in Middle School 
