Hi - I am Mr. Joey
Welcome to my webpage. My name is Mr. Joey and I have the privilege of being your child's school counselor. I am joined with Morgan Mosher another school counselor. Mr. Joey will work with primarily 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. Mrs. Morgan Mosher will work primarily with K, 2nd, and 4th. I have been with the county as a school counselor since 1999 and have been with Apison about fifteen of these years. I am a Chattanoogan born native and loved the area so much - I never left. I am eager to help you, your family and your class in whatever way I can. As we prepare for this 2024-2025 school year we know that there are many needs and frustrations as change comes upon us all. I want to do my level best for you.. If you would like to contact me I prefer the use of the forms that are found here on this site. Otherwise, you may email me at mathew_j@hcde.org or call me at 423-498-6895.