Accessible face masks:

See More Smiles

Resources for making your own accessible face masks, with clear view mouth windows.

Why the window?

Most experts agree that, on average, 70-93% of how we communicate is non-verbal, and of that, about 55% depends on what we see. For d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals, visual communication becomes even more critical. For many people, reading the lips of others is an essential part of daily life. Seeing a person's mouth and facial expressions is also helpful for communicating with the elderly, children, individuals under stress, confused, or in crisis, employees who work with customers or in noisy work places, and more. Everyone benefits when we can see more smiles.

In a time when people everywhere are covering their faces to prevent the spread of illness, communication has become a frustrating challenge for the many around the world who depend on lip reading (speech reading). Accessible face masks that allow the mouth to be seen clearly, from the front and sides, are a basic and essential resource. The more people who are wearing them, the better for all of us. Unfortuantely, given high-demand, these masks are nearly impossible to find on the market at this time (Spring 2020). Luckily, it is not too hard to make your own from materials you likely already have at home.

On this page, you'll find printable patterns and instructions for adult- and child-sized accessible face masks. Since I started making these masks, the Internet has exploded with instructional videos and a variety of accessible mask designs, all with the same basic idea of using thick clear plastic (often upcycled from things you might have at home) to create a window with a clear view of the mouth. I encourage you to explore those resources, especially if you learn well from YouTube videos! The materials I'm sharing here with the HCC community were adapted from these instructions shared recently by the Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center, where there are many amazing resources for the Deaf community, including services and educational information around Covid-19. Check them out!

Accessible face mask Patterns

Click. Print. Cut. Trace. Go.

The patterns below were created to print true to size on 8.5"x11"copier paper or card stock, for cutting and tracing onto fabric and plastic (for the mouth window). You may need to adjust your printer settings (ie: turn off automatic scaling and printer margins) to print the patterns at full size.

Keep scrolling to find step-by-step illustrated instructions!

Face Mask Pattern - Adult.pdf

Adult Size Pattern

Printable cut & trace pattern for adult size accessible face mask.

Face Mask Pattern - Child.pdf

Child Size Pattern

Child size accessible face mask pattern. Fits children apprx 4-8 yr.

step-by-step instructions

Scroll through the preview below or click to open the PDF in a new tab.

Accessible Face Mask Instructions edt2.pdf


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