High School English

Top: riding with the top down in Maine!

Middle: Rockport, MA

Bottom: Quebec City

About Me...

Highland has a very special place in my heart. I taught at HBCS for seven years and had the privilege of being the English teacher and class sponsor of the first graduating class (2007). Ms. White and Mr. McAfee's wife Becca (both 2007 alums) are full of stories of the fun and crazy times we had including the Princess Parties and Camo Craze fundraisers, as well as all the Christmas door decorating contests we CRUSHED. Shortly after their graduation, Tyler and I were married and moved to a suburb of Boston, MA where I lived for 11 years. My mom's declining health was our signal that it was time to come home to Louisiana, and as God would orchestrate it, Highland had an opening for a 10th and 12th grade English teacher.

Tyler and I love to travel and go on adventures, and when we can, we always take our fur baby Gigi. We have been to California, Quebec City, all over Maine, Georgia, Florida, Vermont, and Aruba just to name a few locales. It was actually in Aruba, at the beach pictured above, where I fell in love with flamingos after learning a huge lesson from God. Ask me about it sometime. I would love to share it with you!

Of course, I love words. I love to read; I love to write; I love to listen to audiobooks. I love words, and I love the Word. It is my privilege and the joy of my life to be able to teach my students all about the Word and how to find Truth in the stories and tales we read.

I present to you the winning Christmas door of 2006! It was a replica of a Macy's Christmas window display replete with our very own Santa!

The actual door was a replica of a Broadway musical: The Greatest Story Ever Told!