High School Choices

HVS 8th Graders Get to Choose

Since the passing of Proposition V in November 1992, HBCSD 8th graders have been able to choose between Mira Costa High School and Redondo Union High School to continue their education. To find out more about these outstanding high schools, visit their school websites.

Source: LA Times 11/5/1992 article.


The MCHS/RUHS Principal's Meeting for 8th Grade Families was held on Thursday, November 30, 2023, from 6-7 PM via Zoom. Anthony Bridi (Redondo Union Principal) and Dr. Karina Gerger (Mira Costa Principal) talked about their high schools and answered questions. This was a great opportunity for 8th grade families to connect with both schools on the same day our Valley 8th graders saw their students at the Roadshow. You can watch the Zoom recording above or here.